Tuesday, January 20, 2009

BSAT Sammich

Sorry for the long absence. Even though my dad loaned me a computer, I can't get online with it right now. Its not recognizing my modem, so I'm going to have to spend some time on the phone with my Internet service provider ... blah! I hate that.

In the meantime, I'm posting a quick entry from my work computer. I made some of the Tempeh Bacon from my cookbook over the weekend, the same stuff the testers have been making lately. I had big plans of trying a Vegan Elvis Sandwich, a variation on an omni sandwich with peanut butter, banana, and bacon. Yep, bacon. Sounds kinda gross, but I had to try it.

The verdict? Gross as it sounds. Luckily, I had plenty of bacon left for this tasty BSAT Sammich (a.k.a. Bacon, Spinach, Avocado, and Tomato):

This really hit the spot with these plain Baked Kettle Chips. If ya'll haven't tried these chips, I highly recommend them. They're baked, not fried. But unlike Baked Lay's, these actually taste like regular fried chips. Yet a serving of 20 chips is only 3 grams a fat.

Happy Inauguration Day! I woke this morning and it was SNOWING!!! That never happens in Memphis. It's a beautiful day — awesome new president, snow ... it doesn't get much better!


Hungry Hungry Dancer said...

i love barac.... the snow is a sign... change is on the way :)

Anonymous said...

That looks so good!
*grabs sandwich and runs off*

jessy said...
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jessy said...

happy inauguration day to you too, Bianca! it's such a good day! yay!

sorry you're having computer issues. sadface! i give you props on trying the Elvis sammie - i also think it's pretty gross sounding - not sure if i'm brave enough to ever try it.

your BSAT sammie = muy delicioso! and i'm gonna have to check out those kettle chips! yum! :D

Lisa (Show Me Vegan) said...

Happy Inauguration Day! And avocado and bacon are a perfect sandwich combo!

Anonymous said...

Love the sammich ad the chips! Even though I used to devour bags of Baked Lays...so good! I actually prefered them to the taste of fried chips.

Happy Inauguration Day!

miss v said...

i've never heard of adding bacon to a pb&banana sandwich. thanks for testing that out so i don't have to try it. :)

Anonymous said...

Those kettle chips are the best. I totally envy your lunch today, it looks delish. Sorry about your computer situation. I'm with on the Happy Inauguration Day wishes! Change is coming.

Anonymous said...

Now I am craving my own BSAT Sammich!

Gina said...

Thankfully I didn't have any snow today. I don't think I can handle any more!!!

Your sandwich looks yummy, I love me some tempeh :)

Chelsea said...

That looks so good! Mmmm avocado! And you are brave to try that Elvis sandwich - blech! I wonder if my husband would like it though, he's a crazy peanut butter addict and he always puts PB on his BLTs.

Happy Inauguration Day!!!

Alison said...

It's sad that whenever I make bacon I only use it for BLTs. But it's soooo good! I guess before I was vegan and I ate real bacon, that's mainly what I did with it. The next time I make a BLT though, I'll have to throw some avocado on it, that looks delicious!

When you said before that you were going to make that Elvis sandwich I knew it would be so gross. I don't even want to think about it too long in case I get a vague idea of what it tastes like!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, that sammitch looks so delicious! I definitely am going to make something like that with your delicious tempeh bacon.

T said...

That sammich is calling my name! Hope you get your computer issues sorted out soon!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! That looks like the best sandwich ever!

Anonymous said...

Yummy. I wouldn't change a thing about that sandwich. Well, except that it would be at my house.

Jen said...

(((grabbing sammich from Mihl and running fast))))

i don't think pb/banana/fakin bacon looks gross. it makes sense.

Vegan_Noodle said...

Ha! I'll make a mental note never to try and Elvis sammich. But your BSAT looks like a winner.

River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

The Elvis Sandwich does sound gross! The total oposite of your BSAT Sammich!

Enjoy the pretty snow!

Melisser; the Urban Housewife said...

Hahaha, I'm sorry the sandwich was gross!