I'd marinated some tempeh in a mixture with soy sauce, barbecue sauce, vegan Worchestershire sauce, and probably some other spices I can't remember right now. Then, I pan-fried it in a little more olive oil and coated with more BBQ sauce. The "cheese" is just a basic nutritional yeast cheese sauce. Then there's black olives and baby spinach.
The crust is made from starter, whole wheat pastry flour, olive oil, and salt. Unfortunately, since the starter is fed with sugar each week, the crust was a little too sweet for a pizza. I mean, it was okay. I definately ate the whole pie (not all at once! I just finished the leftovers tonight). That starter, which is commonly known as Friendship Starter because it's passed down from friend to friend (or in my case from my grandma to my mom to me), is better used in sweets like cinnamon rolls.
I'm going out of town this weekend, by the way. So I doubt I'll be blogging tomorrow since I'm leaving after work. And I won't be back until Sunday. I'm going to visit my boyfriend in Nashville. We're going to Mellow Mushroom and I'm so excited! We don't have one here and I've heard they have tempeh and tofu as pizza toppings. I'll let you know how that turns out.
For now, I leave you with this. It's a stolen survey from Chocolate Covered Vegan's blog:
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was a few month shy of graduating from high school in Jonesboro, Arkansas. I was probably spending all my time with my best friend Sheridan, making home movies of ourselves moshing to Beastie Boys songs. Or memorizing all the words on Green Day's "Dookie" album.
2. Five favorite snacks?
Primal Strips vegan jerky
Roasted, spicy mixed nuts
Dark chocolate bars
Chips and salsa (or vegan cheese dip)
3. Favorite things to do?
Blogging about cooking!
Working on my cookbook
Playing with my 4 kitties and my puppy-dog
4. What would you do if you were a millionaire?
I would go tio culinary school and open a fancy vegan restaurant, start a vegan magazine, give some to PETA, buy a hybrid car, and move somewhere really cool where they have lots of vegan options.