With the chilly weather kicking in, all the vegan bloggers have been making creamy butternut squash soups. And well, if all the vegan bloggers jumped off a bridge, I probably would too. Okay, maybe I wouldn't go that far, but I did go so far as to make this spicy
Orange & Chipotle-Kissed Butternut Squash Bisque from
Vegan Planet:

With only a few ingredients, this creamy autumn soup manages to tempt quite a few taste buds — namely the one that likes spicy stuff, the one that like citrus, and the one that loves tender winter squash. The squash is pureed with one chipotle pepper and a few tablespoons of frozen orange juice concentrate, as well as veggie broth. Those are pepitas sprinkled on top, by the way. The soup (paired with crusty Teese toast) was a perfect meal today since I'm a little on the sicky side. Stupid cold. My nose fells like it might fall off right now.
But woes aside, I've been tagged by Agnes of
Agnes' World of Vegan Pleasures and Jennifer at
Vegannifer to participate in a meme. So here goes.
- Link the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
- Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links.
- Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Weird stuff about me:1. My comfort food is Ramen noodles. Anytime I'm stressed, sad, or just need a bowl of comfort, I make Ramen. I usually buy it at Asian markets, where they tend to have more vegan flavors (and a lot of artificial meat flavors). Top Ramen Oriental is also vegan.
2. I used to eat sticks of butter. I was a fat kid because I ate lots of bad, bad stuff. I was also a big fan of the fat chunks on steak and bacon. I know this is disgusting. But I was like, 7 or 8 years old.
3. I'm kinda OCD. I plan out all my meals for the week and make little menu sheets. And I plan my grocery shopping trips up to a week in advance. Because I LOVE to make grocery lists! On the OCD thing, I also tend to lock my front door in the morning as I'm leaving for work, only to get in the car and freak out about how I may have left the hair straightener plugged in/the heater on/the back porch light on...then I have to go unlock the door and start all over again. Sometimes I even check twice.
4. My boyfriend Paul lives 3 1/2 hours away from me. We've been dating for four and a half years, but he's only lived far away for two of those years. I visit him twice a month, usually. He is not a vegetarian.
Here's Paul and a stray kitten that was hanging at my parents' house.

5. I LOVE John Waters films.
Pink Flamingos is all-time favorite, but
Female Trouble comes in a close second. And though it's one of his newer works, I totally *heart*
A Dirty Shame.
6. I'm currently obsessed with those reality shows on TLC that feature people who have a million kids. There's
Jon and Kate Plus 8 and
17 Kids and Counting. This is mostly due to the

fact that I only have 19 channels and not much to choose from. Also, the
17 Kids and Counting family is from Arkansas (my home state) and they're crazy radical Christian fundamentalists, which I find scary and somehow fascinating.
7. I think my next tattoo is going to be the "animal rights, human rights" logo, but I don't know where to put it on my body. Perhaps inside my left wrist? To match the Vegan tattoo on my right? What do ya'll think?
Okay, so I'm tagging the following folks:
Shelby at
La Belle VeganLindsay at
Cooking for a Vegan LoverMiss V at
Miss V's Vegan CookbookPixiepine PalaceErin at
Vegan HomemadeAnd yea, yea, I know I'm supposed to tag 7 people but this linking stuff takes forever! So I'm changing the rules! :-P