Aren't they beautiful?! I'm not sure all the varieties, but there are definitely some baby Cherokee Purples and tiny Sun Golds in there. Also, I LOVE the little pear-shaped one!
They charge $4 for a large box, but I've hesitated to buy them because I've been afraid they'd go bad before I'd eat them all. I have a huge fear of produce going bad. I think it's the Food Not Bombs mentality. When I used to volunteer with them, we dumpster-dove for produce that was past its date but still edible. We turned what was being thrown out as waste into tasty vegan meals for the homeless. Now the idea of letting anything go to waste irks me to my very core.
So I'll be eating lots of cherry tomatoes this week. I worked a handful into this tasty lunch — Tofurkey Italian Sausage with Heirloom Tomatoes and Basil on Whole Wheat Spaghetti:
I needed to use up the rest of my 4th of July Tofurkey, and this was the perfect way. For a sauce, I drizzled a little olive oil. Then I sprinkled the pasta with Parma and garlic powder (because I was too lazy to chop up fresh garlic). Delish!
Yum!!! I love Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes. I know the fear of produce expiring before you can consume all of it, I have the same problem.
I have not tried the Tofurkey sausages yet, but now I think I am going to have to run out and get a package.
I had a great time Saturday too!! And thanks for giving us a ride back to the car.
Sigh ... your pretty pasta dish makes me crave for pasta - I just had lunch by the way! I love pasta, so delicious ... I love your version - sound very summery and fresh .. mmmm
Those tomatoes are so lovely! I don't know if I would have had the heart to cut them up. I'm glad you did though, because that pasta looks wonderful. I even have some extra tofurkey sausage in the fridge...
Heriloom tomatoes = one of life's simple pleasures.
Ahh, your photographs aren't loading for me :0( But I'm sure that the pasta dish is gorgeous, since ALL of the dishes that you make are as such :0)
these tomatoes are ace!
Those tomatoes are beautiful Bianca, simply beautiful. I wish I could bite into a few juicy ones right about now.
Holy cow--that looks so yummy!
I have been craving tomatoes like these ever since the salmonella scare. Your pasta looks phenomenal. A tomato and Teese pizza with basil pesto would rock these beauties. I wish I had a Farmer's Market closer to me.
those tomatoes look soo pretty! I don't think I've ever tried other kinds..i'll have to.
And I must say, that's so awesome you were a part of Food Not Bombs! It's such a great cause and helps so many people! :) I know how you feel about food going to waste too..I try to buy just as much as I'll need.. but just make more often trips to the stores.
mmmmmmmmmmm! your pasta looks sooooooooo glorious! those heirloom tomatoes are awesome, and super cute (i really love the one that looks like a little maraca)! i hear ya on not wanting prduce to go bad and to waste - i'm the same way. i'll even eat a ton veggies for breakfast if i need to use 'em up! that's so awesome that you used to work with Food Not Bombs - i have actually been thinking about maybe helping our local group cook on sundays. i'm a little hesitant 'cause i'm kinda scared with new things, but i think it might be awesome. how was your experience with your local Food Not Bombs?!
I didn't see any heirloom cherry tomatoes at our farmer's market last weekend, but I'm going to look extra hard this weekend. Those are gorgeous!
I love this summer's tomato crop!!
Those tomatoes are so pretty! My parents just gifted me a big bag from their garden, so I'm trying to figure out how to eat them all before they go bad too.
I totally have the food waste fear! And right now my CSA is giving me way too much produce and I'm just like "We have to eat salad at every meal! EAT MORE SALAD! EAT IT FASTER."
Those tomatoes are all kinds of beautiful! What a lovely meal.
So adorable those cuties are! And your food looks awfully perdy, too! I always get so hungry when I visit your blog!
Hi again,
We reuse ziploc baggies too!
That is one impressive looking lunch! I usually throw together some leftovers. Wow!
The tomatoes ARE beautiful and your pasta looks tasty too!
I love heirloom tomatoes - I go berserk for them, I have to order mine from Diamond Organics. Sad but there is nowhere in this area that has them.
Your dinner looks grand.
I also have the produce rot fear - I bet many vegetarians do. I just finished off the last of my 10 tomatoes from last week. The last two were a little overripe.
Those tomatoes are so cool!
Those heirloom tomatoes look amazing!
I love those tomatoes! They are so very hard to get here in Maine.
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