Monday, November 6, 2023

Race Recap: Mamba 25K

On Saturday, I ran in the first inaugural Mamba 100, a new race in Memphis with 25K, 50K, 100K, and 100-mile race distances. I opted for the 25K since I'm taking a year off ultras following last May's 50-miler. The race is on the Wolf River Trails in Shelby Farms, which are local to me and very familiar. They're also super-duper flat and easy to run, so this would be a great first 100 for anyone looking to run that distance. 

The 25K was just one 15-ish mile loop, while the 50Kers did two loops, the 100K folks did five loops and the 100-milers did seven. I stopped by the course on Friday to pick up my packet, and the 100-milers had already been running for hours. They had a very nice athlete village set up at the trailhead. 

For my pre-race meal, I had Chickpea Pasta with Victoria Vegan Roasted Red Pepper Alfredo and a slice of Garlic Sourdough Bread. Plus, I had my usual pre-race beer — a Goose Island IPA this time.

The next morning, I had an Onion Bagel with Tofutti Cream Cheese (no pic), and then I headed to the race. It was very cold, in the 40s, but it was going to warm up to be almost 70. So I had to dress for warmer weather and freeze a bit. Luckily, the parking area was about a mile from the race start, so I was able to jog there and warm up. And they had a big firepit going by the start line.

At 9 am, we were off! I was feeling good and keeping a nice pace. And my friend Keshia was right with me for much of the race. Once we made it to the mid-race aid station (about five miles in), we were ready for a Fireball shot. Nothing beats Fireball in a trail race. I also did a pickle juice shot. But they had all kinds of snacks: chips, PB&Js, candy, you name it. Lots of vegan treats. Speaking of fuel, other than the Fireball and pickle shots, I stuck with UCan gels for the race; I had three gels (orange and strawberry-banana).

Our friend Sherry was passing out Fireball shots in her Fireball costume! But I turned her down since I'd just had one.

The race went well, and I didn't fall once. I was also able to maintain a pretty decent clip for a trail run. My trail pace is usually pretty slow, but the trails were nice and dry and free of roots. I finished the race faster than any 25K I've done so far. I don't consider that a PR since this is a new course, and every trail race is different. But it was definitely my fastest 25K to date. Here I am with Keshia and Nastasha, fellow run friends and hashers.

Immediately after the run, I grazed through the options at the start/finish aid station. I enjoyed an icy-cold Coke (during or after a race is the only time I'll drink soda) and some super-salty tater tots. Those hit the spot.

When I got home from race, I was craving MORE PASTA! I usually crave pizza or a burger, but nope, I wanted pasta again — but not just any pasta. Imagine Vegan Cafe's Spaghetti has a super-sweet and savory meat sauce, and that's what I wanted. So that's what I got. With a side of Garlic Toast.

All in all, a fantastic race, and I can't wait to do it again next year. Maybe I'll go for the 50K next time. Who knows?


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Great job, you make want to run, but I maybe not a 25 k!

Anonymous said...

Wow congrats on your fastest 25K! Looked like you had a lot of fun too. And such delicious eats. - Sri.

Susan said...

Congratulations on an excellent race.
I wish I could find people handing out pickle shots and tater tots in my every day life.