Thursday, September 30, 2010

101 Things to Do with Tofu: A Giveaway!

I love tofu. In fact, I was going to write a cute little haiku about how much I love my precious pressed soybean curd. But it's late and I'm tired. So forget the haiku. Instead, I'll just gush about how awesome and versatile tofu can be. I mean, what other plant protein can go from scrambled "eggs" to pudding to stir-fry to un-cheesecake?

Some people, especially new vegetarians and many omnis, say they're intimidated by tofu. And that's understandable. It's hard to grasp the possibilities when there are so many. That's why 101 Things to Do with Tofu by Donna Kelly and Anne Tegtmeier is a handy-dandy little cookbook. Papa Crunk ordered a few copies to give away to two lucky readers! Totally his idea ... because my dad is the coolest.

This cute, spiral-bound volume literally contains 101 things to do with tofu, from Tofu Sloppy Joes to Tofu Piccata and Spanakopita to Easy Ranch Dressing. Here are a few things I've made from it recently. Last week's breakfast were these Tex-Mex Migas:

This was unlike any tofu scramble I'd ever had before. The recipe called for crumbled tortilla chips, which got all soft and tortilla-like in the scrambled tofu and tomatoes. The book isn't totally vegan, though many recipes are. The vegetarian recipes, however, are very easily veganizable. For example, this one called for cheddar so I subbed Daiya Cheddar Style Shreds.

Last night, I made Spaghetti and Cheat Balls:

I'd been craving "meat"balls for some time, and this recipe totally hit the spot. The baked tofu balls hold their shape very well thanks to lots of pressing, plenty of breadcrumbs, and a little Ener-G Egg Replacer powder. They were the perfect topping to my whole wheat spaghetti and Whole Foods brand roasted red pepper pasta sauce. By the way, most of these recipes are uber-simple with minimal steps and few ingredients.

If you'd like a chance to win 101 Things To Do with Tofu, leave a comment about your favorite thing to do with tofu. If you don't have a Blogger account with a listed email, please leave your email address so I can contact you if you win.

For an extra chance to win, tweet about the giveaway and leave an additional comment letting me know you did. For an extra, extra chance, link back to the contest from Facebook and leave yet another comment to let me know. And finally, for fourth chance, link back to this contest on your blog (if you have one), and leave yet another comment to fill me in. That's four chances to win!

Good luck! I'll randomly select two winners next Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. CST. Oh, and by the way, Friday is World Vegetarian Day! So happy veg day!!!


Emily said...

How can I choose a favorite from so many options? Probably tofu chocolate pie mmmmmm :)

littleblackfox said...

Gah, just ONE favourite thing to do with tofu?!
Okay then, Beetballs (can't resist a pun!), shredded beetroot, onion, garlic, dill, tofu & lots of black pepper pressed into walnut-sized balls & baked in the oven. Served with spelt pasta or brown rice. Om nom nom!

Marti Hendrickx said...

I´m new at this tofu game so I would love a book with some good recipes !

Katie said...

I love tofu because it allowed me to make nice dessert for my other half and ease him into the idea of me being vegan

Anna said...

I have had this book on my wishlist forever and a day so I'd love a copy of it finally!

Anna said...

I've tweeted about this, I'm @finallywakingup

Anna said...

whoops, was supposed to say what I like to do with tofu! I love silken tofu in a Caeser style dressing, very yummy and I love marinated and baked tofu too, I don't do that nearly enough!

Giulia said...

Hi! Hard to say... perhaps my favorite thing to do with tofu is cream it in a food processor mixing in fresh herbs or olives or sun-dried tomatoes and make wonderful spreads for bread and crackers, or to dip raw veggies in. Yum!!

Giulia said...

Hi! I also tweeted about your giveaway:

Giulia said...

Hi! I also shared a link on Facebook

Meg said...

Tofu chocolate mousse with orange liquor in a pie. It never ceases to amaze me how surprised people are when they find out the delicious, decadent mousse is actually tofu.

JL goes Vegan said...

I'm cuckoo for tofu! I scramble it with greens and salsa for breakfast. Dice it up in salad, I just made a tofu pumpkin soup this week and I bake it with miso and date syrup. MMM MMM.

jl AT jlgoesvegan DOT com

JL goes Vegan said...

I also tweeted!

The Health Sensei said...

tofu scramble for the win! tofu w/ a bunch of veggies, scrambled like breakfast...and with nutritional yeast or daiya on top....yum! said...

I cut my tofu in long pieces, then I sprinkle it lightly with Adobo, then honey and then I bread it with Italian breading. Bake it for 35 minutes at 370 until its toasty (bake uncovered). It is so delicious that I make it twice a week. Its great with any dish. That's one way I love tofu.

2Snaps said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
2Snaps said...

It's probably a toss up...I'm a HUGE fan of breakfast, so I love a nice un-cheezy tofu scramble, but I also make a mean General Tso's Tofu. Both awesome in very different ways...maybe a scramble with General Tso's I'm hungry!! :)

Carrie™ said...

I was intimidated by tofu when I first became veg, so I signed up for a tofu cooking class at a local health food store and they de-mystified it for me and there has been no looking back.
My favorite thing to do with tofu is use as an egg replacer in baked goods. My mom's tried-and-true recipes all contain eggs, so I sub in tofu and I find it makes cakes, breads, etc. much more moist. They seem to stay "fresher" longer too.

Carrie™ said...

I also put up a link on Facebook!

Wethingtons said...

My first tofu experiment was a complete disaster. I didn't know what I was doing and mixed silken tofu with chocolate pudding mix. Inedible. Now I love it like a bad habit! Current fave is take some Tree of Life smoked tofu and marinate it in chili powder, cumin, and lime juice and then fry it all up with a boatload of veggies for vegan fajitas.

Vicki said...

Chocolate pudding!

Kara Hadley said...

THis is weird, but I love cold tofu. WHenever I have leftovers I just end up eating them cold with my hands. So darn good.

Jessica said...

I love tofu but should probably get more adventurous with it. My favorite thing is probably a good scramble, or broiled with a good chunky sauce or pesto.

W.I Vegan said...

I love to make Curry tofu scramble with whole wheat couscous! or Jerk tofu cube with rice and peas (I'm Jamacian)

I would love to try other non west indian recipes. That book would be a great start!

Thanks :)

The Broken Dish said...

Yay! Giveaways are awesome!

Rachel (tea and chocolate) said...

Too many choices! Tofu scramble, BBQ tofu, coconut curry...

J said...

It's a toss-up for me between tofu scramble and a vegan roast with a tofu base. Makes me hungry just typing it! :)

HeyitsBeth said...

My latest favorite is making "tofu fingers".... I slice a block into thin strips and bake for about 30 minutes. Then I use them for dipping in ranch, pizza sauce, and heck- anything I can find in my fridge.

AlwaysJoy said...

I love tofu plain... But I can't cook it to save my life...
So I make tofu pudding
Silken tofu
maple syrup
and a food processor
= yum yum

allison said...

I have to say that a scramble will probably always be my favorite way to eat tofu. I love making a vegan Florentine... tofu + brunch = win!

radioactivegan said...

I don't know what my *favorite* tofu dish is, but I never say no to a tofu scramble. I also love the mini-quiches on fatfreevegan ... yum yum yum. So cool of your dad to host another giveaway!

Claire A said...

My parents are from spain so I love to put tofu in my dads traditional paella recipe instead of the meat. we had it when we watched spain kick ass in the world cup! :D

I want a copy!!
im just starting to really experiment and i have NO idea what im doing this would be GREAT. I live in texas (and not austin unfortunately) so there arent a plethora of vegans around to help me out.

my email is

DionneRobertson said...

I've honestly been too scared to do ANYTHING with Tofu, other than the ONE time I made chocolate cake using just a block of tofu and a cake mix. I'd love to learn how to better incorporate it in my diet.

Meggie said...


Anna Graham Shonle said...

My favorite thing to do with tofu is making finger food for my vegan 2 year old. I slice the tofu into sticks that are 1/2 inch thick and the length of the tofu block. Brown the sticks in a skillet in some vegetable oil and a couple dashes of tamari. Cool until touchable and then let him gobble them up!

Abigale Consulting said...

I am vegan too. I love your blog. Come over to my blog when you get a chan

Jared Lawson said...


Lori said...

I began eating tofu this summer. I have used it in different stir fry dishes and to make an alfredo sauce. Since I am a novice to cooking and preparing tofu, I don't know what my favorite tofu dish is yet. I'm just happy to be exploring and discovering new ways to eat it.

Leslie Richman said...

That looks like a great cookbook. MY favorite tofu use is as a blended filling...especially in Italian recipes that call for cheesy stuffing!

Thanks for the giveaway!
lesliedoll at hotmail dot com

helgstarrs said...

We just started really experimenting with tofu. So far, my favorite thing is to make tofu scramble. I just started after you gave a recipi a few weeks ago!! I have been a vegaterian for 3 years, starting to make the vegan switch!!

aimee said...

I like making tofu scrambles, but I think my favorite was a rich tropical chocolate pudding with mangoes and avocados!

Carla said...

Hard to choose as it is so versatile. But I think to marinate and grill, would eb the best thing, and you can chage the marinade to whatever takes your fancy. Either that or some form of decadent dessert - my kids would say chocolate pie for sure!

Andrew said...

I'm not overly creative, but I love dry frying some cut up tofu, and tossing it into an enormous, kale-dominated stir fry.

Colinski said...

Mexican chocolate pudding with silken tofu!

urban vegan said...

My chocolate mousse with Cointreau....BUT I actually like to eat tofu sliced, right out of the container with maybe a splash of soy sauce and some good EVOO.

Dana said...

This may be boring, but I love grilling tofu on my counter-top grill and putting bite-size pieces in a breakfast burrito. Yum.

HD said...

This is going to sound really boring, but my favorite thing to do with tofu is hiyayakko (or chilled, silken tofu). Love it.

Sophia Cacciola said...

this time of year, my favorite thing to do with tofu is mix it with pumpkin puree and make a pie!

KD said...

Scrambled tofu...done the way I was told by the late Gary Beardsworth, owner of the (also late) Horn of the Moon Cafe in Montpelier turmeric! Simply terrific!

Anonymous said...

Well I am kind of new to making tofu stuff but right now I would have to say tofu scramble.

Anonymous said...

posted on my facebook too

Unknown said...

Satay Tofu is my long-time favourite. I coat the tofu (sometimes double-coat, even) in cornflour (corn starch) and fry it on all sides, so that it's extra crispy. Then, I submerge it in a peanut satay sauce, with lots of veg. Served over rice, it's definitely the tasties thing to do with tofu. :)

Kelly said...

Hmm! I'm gonna go old school and say tofu scramble, possibly because I just had one the other day and it was the greatest thing ever!

Yay for giveaways and Papa Crunk!

Sarah said...

My favorite thing? Just one? Scramble or mustardy fried tofu.

K. said...

Tofu ricotta!!!! YUM!!!!

Rachel said...

i love love love agedashi tofu, made without fish dashi obvs.

Midnite said...

Fav thing to do with tofu? That's a hard one. I love it baked/roasted. It's fantastic in stir-fries or pan-fried coated with a little cornstarch. But honestly I also love it fresh and plain with maybe a little sweet and sour dipping sauce or in a fresh TLT with hummus instead of veg mayo. Oh, it's also fantastic crumbled into veg chili. Sorry I couldn't pick just one, it's so fantastic seved so many ways (also makes a great garlic dip wen blended up, for veggies).


Lexi said...

Ultimate favourite thing to do: marinate it in balsamic vinegar and put on a ciabatta with fresh basil, tomato and a drizzle of olive oil. It is so simple and delicious!


VerityKae said...

Favourite thing to do with tofu... I love making tofu nuggets, but I have to say my new favourite is Maple-Chili Tofu that you can find on my blog (!!

Id love to win the cookbook!

Natalie said...

Maple and soy sauce reduction + EXTRA firm tofu = so much heaven!

Punkin Nerd said...

I like to make tofu scramble as well. It's quick easy and flavorful.

Hannah said...

Tofu feta! I love crumbling tofu together with lemon and herbs and nutritional yeast :)

Karen said...

Please please please enter me!! Lately (and it changes), my favorite thing to do with tofu is make a scramble with it--mmm...thinking about tofu scramble...

Kari said...

Oh so many choices! I love "cream" sauces I guess - Vodka Tomato sauce maybe? mmm.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, fave thing to do with Tofu. Thats a hard one as there are so many. I'll pick----------(drum roll please) pumpkin pie. Mmmmm.

Anonymous said...

I simply adore a lovely mushroom/seitan Stroganoff (especially on a chilly fall day, like this one! :-)-- Blended tofu goodness...!

artofpatience @ ourprairie DOT com

natalie said...

I'm a simple girl, but recently I seared a block, slathered it with hot sauce, and stuck it in the oven. It was delicious and I even got my carnivore boyfriend to try a bite!

Jess of Midwest Vegan said...

I think, that without a doubt, I love tofu in savory dishes.

I've been craving Palak Tofu forever now, but I could stand to use a book full of new ideas. :)

Anonymous said...

Tofu scramble!


The Princess said...

I think my favorite is a scramble with red onion, tomatoes, eggplant, kale, with Braggs RAV, agave and cracked pepper or smothered in a General Tso's sauce.

amymylove said...

i like to press all the water out with my tofu press, cut it into slices, marinate it overnight, and then grill on my george forman grill... it's the bomb cold in salads with vegan ranch!

MaryBe said...

I am lame and usually just marinade it and bake it, but my son recently deep fried some for me and omg was that good!

Anonymous said...

1) My favorite thing to do with Tofu is simple. I bake it a little bit and then stir fry it with veggies (usually broccoli, bell peppers, onions, and snap peas)

2) I follow your blog already

3) I have listed this event under by events page!

Effective Communications: Freelance Writing said...

I love dry frying tofu to ensure the texture is just right. Then I dip the triangular shaped slices into a mixture of water and honey mustard and 1 /4 dry mix. The dry mix contains flour and a bunch of delicious spices. I proceed to fry the coated tofu. So yummy!

Zee said...

I like frying it with apple cider vinegar and then rubbing it tumeric and serving on toast with ketchup and sliced avocado.

helgstarrs said...
I posted on Facebook.

helgstarrs said... and my husbands facebook. He likes BBQ tofu, just like you, from RP Tracks.

bittersweet said...

I just luuurv little tofu cubes in a hot & sour soup!

Sarah W. said...

I'm a new vegetarian so this is just what I need!!! I don't have an extensive tofu repertoire but right now I Love making fruity-green morning smoothies with silken tofu. Really hits the spot!

Dana Vickerson said...

i love all things tofu!

~ Cee ~ said...

I like to make pad thai with fried tofu. Yum! Or just a basic scrambled tofu with mushrooms and spinach. Or baked tofu on a sandwich with avocado and sprouts. Thanks!
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

miss v said...

I do put it in a lot of stir frys... but I love making a cheap vegan sour cream. So tasty!

Sheri said...

I love tofu scramble, I think I'd have to say that's my favorite.

Jennifer said...

I love to bake with tofu. My specialties include a tofu cobbler and tofu brownies.

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

James said...

Wait... I own this book! I totally bought it off, but I must have lent it to someone right off the bat cause I can't find it. But who did I lend it to? The hunt is on. Thanks for reminding me, Bianca!

singerinkitchen said...

I am so tied between tofu scrambles and pressed tofu for tofu steak sandwiches. SO GOOD!

singerinkitchen said...

I tweeted!

singerinkitchen said...

I posted it on my blog!

5556777 said...

My favorite thing I've made with tofu was these tofu chilaquiles:


*Autumn Tao* said...

I love my sesame tofu scramble, inspired by Magnolia Cafe in Burlington VT and adapted from Vegan Brunch. Really savory with carrots and peas and onions. Mmmm...

StephORama said...

I love tofu so much! My favorite thing is probably tofu quiche or tofu scramble stuffed in corn tortillas. YUM!

Abigale Consulting said...

Grilled tofu sandwiches! I use a tamari mixture pan fry the tofu add veggies on a 3 seed bread and its awesome.

The Kuntrageous Vegan said...

Unhealthy Vegan Bacon (on my blog) is my favorite thing to do with tofu.
Are you on twitter??? I'll tweet about this <3

Anonymous said...

I love to make a tripple batch of Bryanna's tofu feta. I have to make so much so that it lasts for longer than a day. So YUM!

Unknown said...

The main thing I make with tofu is tofu scramble (besides baking it) so I guess scramble would be my fav. I'd LOVE to make those cheat balls though! Since giving up meat I crave meatballs from time to time.

AW said...

I like to beat tofu with parsley, garlic and italian seasonings to make a "ricotta" filling for vegan lasagna. My husband can't even tell the difference!