
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Pizza & Oatmeal & Tater Skins!

This past Saturday was our annual Cooper Young Festival, a massive arts/crafts/music fest in Midtown's Cooper Young neighborhood. Megan, Cassi, and I rented Bird scooters and scooted there since parking cars during CY Fest is always a nightmare. After walking around the fest for a couple hours, we were pretty hungry. So we grabbed Vegan Cheese Pizza Slices to go from Imagine Vegan Cafe (which is located smack in the heart of Cooper Young). Slices were just $3, and so were the beers (I got a Crosstown Brewing Traffic IPA).

Later that night, I joined my friend Misti for her birthday dinner at Midtown Crossing Grill. I hadn't eaten anything since that slice and was famished. These Vegan Potato Skins with mushrooms, Daiya, and arugula hit the spot.

This morning, I had a Dave's Bagels Whole Wheat Bagel with Miyoko's Creamery Plainly Vegan Cream Cheese & Hot Pepper Peach Jam. HIT THE SPOT, y'all.

I ate my lunch out on the second floor patio at Crosstown Concourse again today. Had a Hummus & Roasted Veggie Sandwich with roasted eggplant, bell pepper, tomato, baby spinach, and roasted garlic hummus. Plus, some more Vegan Dude potato chips (cheese pizza flavor today!).

Been eating lots of oats lately! One of my oat bowls last week had fresh plums, maple syrup, unsweetened almond butter powder (mixed in) and sunflower butter (on top).

Yesterday, I had oats with frozen berries (cooked in), maple, and peanut butter. Tasted like a PB&J!


  1. Bianca, my mom started a jam and pickling business about a year ago, and the products are fantastic. We’re actually using her blueberry Grand Marnier jam in a pie at the local pub I work at this week! I’d love to send you some to review (total honesty, please; I understand that I may be biased!). My email is Just figured that since you are close to and visit Nashville often, you might be a good sounding board

    1. Or, if you are wary of giving your mailing address (I would be), if your partner Paul still lives part time in Nashville, I could just meet up with him and bring some jars

  2. Oh wow! Everything looks incredible! I was just thinking about how much I miss potato skins and then you post this, yum! I definitely need to make some. Hummus and roasted veggies is one of my favorite combos so that sandwich sounds perfect to me.

  3. Pizza and potato skins sounds like an excellent day of eating!

  4. Mmmm pizza. Can't go wrong with that!


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