
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Best Food Birthday Ever!

Today, I turned 33. Here's a selfie I took this morning, so I'd remember what I looked like at age 33.

Since Wednesdays aren't exactly wild and crazy party days, I decided that my celebratory focus should be all about food. Today, I would eat whatever my little (and kinda old) heart desired. Don't worry — I'm having a proper birthday potluck this weekend.

So I started the morning with my very favorite breakfast — Tofu Omelette from Fat-Free Vegan!

For years, this has been my go-to recipe for vegan omelettes. I like that it just makes one omelette for a single birthday diner like myself. I stuffed this one with vegan mozzarella, sauteed bell peppers, and shredded hash browns. I used black salt in the recipe for an eggy taste, but I also sprinkled black salt liberally on top because one can never have too much black salt on one's birthday. On the side, I had sprouted grain toast with Earth Balance and hot pepper fig jelly.

For lunch, my friend/co-worker Shara and I went to Chiwawa! This is a fun Mexican/hot dog joint that serves a vegan dog named after yours truly! Of course, I had to get a Bianca Dog on my birthday!

This is a spicy vegan brat on a pretzel bun topped with black bean paste and slaw. And guess what? It was Weiner Wednesday! And that meant half-off hot dogs! It also rained today, and when it rains at Chiwawa, they pour half-off draft beer. Yes, I did have a Dos Equis at lunch on a work day. It was my birthday. Sue me.

On the side, I had their refreshing Mango, Cucumber, and Jicama Fries with Chili-Lime Salt. Healthiest thing I had all day!

Every Wednesday, my friends and I go to Imagine Vegan Cafe. So of course, that's where I wanted to have my birthday dinner. I ordered one of my favorite dishes — Vegan Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy, Vegan Mac & Cheese, and Mashed Potatoes & Gravy. Sorry this pic isn't the greatest. It was totally dim in the dining area where we sat.

Wednesday at Imagine is also the day my friend Stephanie delivers fresh desserts for them to sell. I was just about to order a slice of her vanilla-caramel cake when Imagine owner Kristie walked out of the kitchen carrying this!

They gave me a cake, y'all!!!! Imagine gave me my very own birthday cake because they're awesome and like family to me. This was Stephanie's peanut butter bomb cake!!! Btw, I'm not sure what that green is on the frosting in the picture. Some weird light that reflected from my iPhone camera? The peanut butter frosting was all brown.

I tucked three candles into my pocket before I left because I expected I'd need them for the slice of cake I was planning to order. But turns out I needed them for an entire cake!

I just can't believe Kristie and Adam and Stephanie did that!! I really have the best friends ever.

After dinner, we walked over to the new Cooper-Young wine bar, Greencork. This is the coolest! When you walk in, you put as much money as you want onto a card. You stick the card into a machine that looks something like a soda fountain, and you can pick a two-ounce pour, a four-ounce pour, or a six-ounce pour. Fun!! And you can refill the card with money again and again, so it's like a Starbucks card for wine!

Well, my birthday is pretty much over. But I had a blast. Between the vegan nacho bar my mama made me last Sunday, today's delicious eats (and cake!), and my planned Sunday birthday potluck (post coming next week!), I can say with certainty that this was the best food birthday ever!


  1. Happy Birthday! That does sound like a fabulous food day :)
    I need to make tofu omelettes more often- love them. Great filling choices too.

  2. Wow! That truly was an amazing day of food from start to finish! Chiwawa sounds amazing as does peanut butter bomb cake!! Who knew one could have such an awesome bday on a Wednesday? Happy belated!

  3. Wow, that looks like a truly AMAZING birthday dinner!!! Happy belated birthday Bianca! :)

  4. Yayyyy!!!! What an awesome day of food! I love it! Can't wait for this weekend! BIRFDAY!!

  5. Happy Birthday! It looks like a good food birthday indeed. I like the idea of taking a selfie on your birthday to remember what you look like. It would be interesting to do that every birthday to see changes.

  6. happy birthday girl! that wine bar looks fun :)

  7. Looks like you had a great birthday with awesome food! I need to check out that omelette recipe. I tried to make one once and it was a total FAIL! Enjoy the rest of your birthday week, darlin!


  8. [ Smiles ] A happy belated birthday to you; you look great for thirty-three years of age.

  9. Daammnnn! That looks like the best food day ever! Happy happy bday!

  10. Ohhh! Happy birthday!
    the omelet looks SO MUCH like an egg omelet! Wow!

  11. Happy birthday! And wow - that all looks delicious. Pretzel bun! Genius!

  12. Happy, happy birthday, Bianca! What a wonderful day you had!

  13. Happy birthday. I want five bianca dogs. Wow!

  14. Happy birthday! You sure know how to celebrate with food. :)
    Looking forward to the rest of your birthday week.

  15. happy belated birthday! I turned 40 on the 19th. October (vegan) birthday's rock!


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