
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Tonight, on the last night of Vegan Mofo, I have a fabulous post about my family's Halloween tradition. But first, I have a very important announcement — Bankrupt Vegan was the winner of the Vegan Sandwiches Save the Day giveaway!!! Yea!!!

And before I get to Halloween night, check out my costume. I didn't dress up tonight, because I wore my costume on Saturday for a couple of parties. I started Saturday night at the Friends for Life Halloween party. The theme was "Apocalypse 2012: The Party to End All Parties," and besides Cher, what will survive the end of times? Roaches. That's right. So I went as a roach motel:

Throughout the night, at both parties, my roaches, which were hot-glued to my dress, fell off. So I left a trail of roaches in my path. Fab!!

Okay, now onto tonight. Every year, my family gathers at my Me-Maw's house in Jonesboro, Arkansas for Halloween to eat chili dogs. My Me-Maw LOVES Halloween! It's her fave holiday! Here she is sporting one of her many Halloween sweatshirts:

Me-Maw goes all out for Halloween. She trades out all of her knick-knacks and other decor for witches, pumpkins, ghosts, and bats. She even has a Halloween tree:

Here's some more decor:

Even her pot holders are Halloween-themed:

And if that wasn't enough, check out her Frankenstein toilet cover!

I wish I had room here to show you everything, but that would take a million years. There's literally Halloween in every inch of her house. It's overwhelming. Nothing goes un-goblinized.

Everyone else eats real hot dogs and meat chili, but my mom always brings over veggie dogs for me. And rather than feed me vegan chili from a can, she makes my chili from scratch. I piled my dog high with chili, relish, onions, vegan cheese, and jalapenos:

My mom also made these adorable Halloween cookies using Oreos and Nutter Butters:

And although Oreos and Nutter Butters are vegan, the dip stuff she used wasn't. So she made me vegan chocolate chip cookies with Halloween frosting and sprinkles to make up for it:

I got to spend time with my family and eat chili dogs. It doesn't get much better than that. Before I left, I snapped a quick pic of my Me-Maw (mama's mama), my Mama, and my Granny (daddy's mama):

Happy Halloween! And for those who read this on November 1st, Happy Dio de los Muertos!


  1. Wow!You have such a fun family, too cool.

  2. That frankenstein toilet is a hoot. I just had to say that, for the official record.

  3. Oh my gosh, I love/am terrified by your costume!! Amazing.

    Your meemaw is the cutest; I looove how all out she goes for Halloween! Your fam is so cool to be so supportive about making you vegan dishes at family events! Awesome.

  4. Such a scarily sweet tradition. I think I remember reading about your Me-Maw before. So nice to have those strong family ties and that they make sure you have yummy options.

  5. Your MeeMaw is the coolest (and I called my MeeMaw "MeeMaw" too)!!

    I'm so excited that I won the cookbook. Thanks SOOOO much!

  6. OMG what a hilarious costume. I always end up giving up and just going as a witch.

    Your family is adorbs!

  7. Ha ha, your roach motel outfit is terrifying. Your mom is super awesome for making sure you have vegan goodies - my mom is the same way. It's good to be spoiled. :) That chili dog looks frakkin' delicious.

  8. what a great post, Bianca! Aren't we lucky to have families that we love so much, and who we really want to have fun with?? We spend halloween with my parents every year too! :)

  9. frankenstein toilet. awesome! what is that object holding the toilet paper? is that halloween themed too?

  10. love the Frankenstein toilet cover! haha! Your chili dog looks tasty!!

  11. Your roach motel costume is a hoot! So creative!

    I love your Me-Maw...I have a feeling I'll be just like her at her age!

    Happy Halloween!


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