
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Vegg Frittata

Since my dad put two more bags of Vegg powder egg substitute in my Easter basket, I've been looking for more fun ways to use it. I've already tried Vegg in scrambled tofu and french toast. Both were amazing! This stuff totally tastes, smells, and boasts the texture of real eggs.

I checked out the Vegg website for more recipe ideas and settled on the Vegg Frittata with Spinach & Sun-dried Tomatoes:

The recipe calls for two cups of rice, which I thought sounded a little strange. I've never had a frittata with rice before. But I made it anyway ...

... and it was strangely delicious! Definitely unlike any other frittata I've had, but the cup of Vegg yolk in the recipe does make it taste like eggs. The sun-dried tomatoes are a really nice touch too. I've been eating a slice of this for breakfast every day this week alongside a slice of toast with blueberry butter and orange juice.


  1. I really like the Vegg in my tofu scramble. My boyfriend's mom used it to make us a delicious apple matzoh kugel, and I want to try making custard and maybe a few other really eggy desserts with it.

  2. Oh, good idea! I just posted yesterday about trying The Vegg in a vegan hollandaise sauce. YUM. This frittat looks amazing!

  3. Oooh thanks for posting this! I briefly saw the recipes on the site but didn't pay attention to them but this sounds right up my alley! I'll have to check it out and give it a try! :)

  4. I appreciate so much the tips and info you give on your blog. I've learned a lot (and I thought I knew a lot, already!). I bought a couple of packs of Vegg, here in MD, thanks to you, and will try it out this weekend. Really like your blog. Thanks.

  5. Blueberry butter? Holy yum!
    Did you make or buy it?

  6. Hey Wendy! The blueberry butter was actually a gift from my blogger from Rick of the Health Sleuth. It's like apple butter, but with blueberries! Sadly, I ate the last of it yesterday!

  7. Okay I definitely NEED to purchase the Vegg. It sounds too good to be true! Your recipes with it have all sounded great so far :)

  8. I cringe at the taste of eggs... I don't know if I can handle a product with that taste! Eek! When I was in Barcelona, we had something that the guys promised up had no eggs, but it tasted like eggs and I came very close to losing my lunch! Egg is one thing I do not miss. With that said, I still would probably try it out of curiosity. LOL!

  9. Oo i love the rice in this frittata! I've never thought to try that either, looks delicious! So happy I just bumped into your blog :) Love love love your space! I'm always looking for new vegan recipe!

  10. About to try the VEGG frittata recipe. I got all the ingredients yesterday. Will report on the results....


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