
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Breakfast Lasagna

I developed a breakfast casserole a while back and I even posted the recipe on my blog. But it had some flaws that weren't really noticeable at first ... like creeper flaws. So I took it upon myself to fix the recipe to be used in my cookbook. And I changed the name to Breakfast Lasagna because that's way more fun than "breakfast casserole":

Since I've already let the cat out of the bag in the recipe I posted in 2008, I'll let y'all in on the secret. What used to be a bottom layer of torn whole wheat bread was swapped out for a layer of boiled, sliced white potatoes. Those are topped with vegan sausage, scrambled tofu, my basic noochy cheese sauce, and slices of fresh local tomato.

In its last incarnation, the bread layer got a little chewy on the edges where there wasn't enough liquid-y vegan cheese sauce to make it soggy in the oven. But the white potatoes were a perfect substitute — no chewiness, just tender, hearty taters. I ate this big ole slice with a piece of toast spread with tomato marmalade. Kept me full straight until lunch.

By the way, I got some sweet, sweet love today from one of my favorite vegan food blogs, Vegansaurus. Check out this post about Vegan Crunk (you might have to scroll down a couple of posts). Apparently, the Vegansaurus blog wants to marry my blog. And to that, I say "I do."


  1. Genius! I guess I missed the original post, but this I will attempt.

  2. I could eat this all day, not just for breakfast.

  3. This is definitely something that would make an appearance in my house. Most likely for dinner though (Why only have breakfast in the morning when you can have it all day?)

  4. Wha??? Please tell veganasaurus that you CANNOT marry their blog because I'M already married to your blog! Oh wait, that's just in my dreams ;).

    Hmmm... this comment is getting really weird. I think I should stop while I'm ahead. Errr, well, I guess it's too late for that!
    Anyways, they have good (vegan) taste :).

  5. Oh, that looks good. I love potatoes and stuff for breakfast. I think there are two basic kinds of eaters: casserole eaters, and don't-let-my-food-touch eaters. I'm all for piling it together. Yum!

  6. interesting idea. never would have thought of throwing that together like that. looks great btw.

  7. Breakfast lasagna= win! That looks awesome and I totally dig the swap out of bread for potatoes- it completes the breakfast trifecta of tofu, starch and cheeziness! Hells yes, says I.

  8. Well duh, we all want to marry your blog!

  9. Mmmm! Sounds delicious! I'm with some other posters here - it could be a nice dinner dish as well. Breakfast for dinner!

  10. such a brilliant idea! I'm always looking for new and creative ways to present brunch.

  11. this looks amazing! i tried emailing you but your email link worked funny on my macbook..i just had some questions for you about your blog and i saw you are from memphis..i'm from Nashville and just started my own blog..if you could drop an email or check out my blog:


  12. I love this recipe! That potato layer at the bottom is making my mouth water. . . actually, all the layers sound delish and I bet they are even better all together. Congrats on the nuptials! ;)


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.