
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Know Your Roots

Long, long ago back in May 2008, I blogged about a new creation for my cookbook — Seitan Root Veggie Pot Pie:

It was everything I love — hearty winter root veggies and tender morsels of "chicken-ish" seitan — stuffed between two flaky whole wheat crusts. The perfect comfort food.

But that original recipe needed a few improvements, namely I'd made way too much filling for one pie. In in an effort to perfect the measurements in the recipe, I finally tried it again last night. The result was a perfect pie, filled with just right amount of sweet potatoes, white potatoes, turnips, carrots, and seitan.


  1. Up late knitting!! Checked and saw the "root pie" - it looks absolutely stunning, and delicious! We have soooo many root veggies of substance to choose from, let's use 'em!

  2. are you sureeeeeee there's enough sweet potato? :)

  3. mm that looks amazing! That's the perfect Thanksgiving dish :-)

  4. We both love our roots! :)

  5. Oh gosh, I'm drooling and its 7 am!

  6. I am so scared of buying new root veggies, but I really want to try them! Turnips, beets, and the like: why don't I make them?! I think I need to make myself start the new food challenge again.

    Maye if I had you to cook for me...

  7. I am so scared of buying new root veggies, but I really want to try them! Turnips, beets, and the like: why don't I make them?! I think I need to make myself start the new food challenge again.

    Maye if I had you to cook for me...

  8. Looks and sounds divine Bianca! Excellent work!

  9. Yeah, I'm ready for the cookbook today! I've got turnips and sweet potatoes galore still waiting for me to do something with them, from the farmer's market. Hmmmm.....

  10. Yum! What perfect comfort food, it looks amazing!

  11. I'm so happy i found your blog. I'm from the south as well and trying to transition back to a vegan diet and i love me some comfort food.

  12. Oh, and about the kong toy...I really think the black one's a good bet. Rupert is probably the most intense, destructive dog I've ever known, and he's had that black kong forever. I would def recommend it for Datsun. If he breaks it quickly, you can always return it for false advertising. We've returned many a lesser toy to Petco for that very reason. But I think the black kong is a good bet!!

  13. Wow...I love pot pie and yours looks amazing!


  14. That looks so good! I can't wait to make it. Yum.

  15. This looks amazing.. certainly something I would crave on a chilly fall night!!

  16. WOW! This is the perfect cozy winter meal, I need to make something like this for my hubby he would be a huge fan. Glad you worked out your recipe, Bianco, can't wait for your cookbook!

  17. pot pie.. dang. havent had that in AGES. actually.. since ive become vegan! :O

  18. that's gotta be the most perfect pot pie i've ever seen, Bianca! i'm glad it was such a rock'n success! i love that you have turnips in 'em - i loooooove me some turnips, and never knew i did until i starting testing for you. thanks, Bianca! :)

  19. that sounds and looks AWESOME. seems like a perfect thing for thanksgiving!

  20. omg yum!!! I cant wait to try this.


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