
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Vegan Mofo: Skittles! And Other News!

So I'm probably the last one to know, but apparently Skittles have gone vegan! My friend Greg showed up at my house on Saturday, armed with multiple bright red bags of Skittles bearing the phrase "gelatin-free, gluten-free."

Skittles were my favorite candy in my pre-gan days, and even though I try to avoid stuff with hydrogenated oils or corn syrup, I couldn't help but indulge in a big handful. Of course, Mars makes Skittles ... and Mars still tests on animals. So I guess they're not really vegan. So I doubt I'll be giving my money to Skittles anytime soon. But Greg left several bags at my house. I'll eat those and get my fill.

I don't have any food pics tonight, but since it's Mofo, I knew I had to post something. So I'll talk a little about my birthday presents. My birthday isn't actually until October 16th, but my best friend Sheridan (who lives in Little Rock) can't be here for my birthday party. So she came last weekend. We went out for BBQ Tofu Nachos at R.P. Tracks and then to the gay club for dancin'.

But first, she gave me some awesome gifts, like this cupcake hoodie:

She found it at a garage sale! She also found a copy of Soy, Not Oi at a thrift store. I've been wanting this cookzine for awhile.

And she gave me something I've been needing for a long, long time — a cupcake caddy:

I've always carried my cupcakes in multiple Tupperware bowls, so this is perfect. Now I need an excuse to take cupcakes somewhere...

Hey testers! I finally posted more recipes to the crunk tester site ... sorry for the long wait.


  1. I NEED a cupcake caddy! I hate carting my cupcakes around in tons of random tupperware. Yay for skittles!

  2. That cupcake hoodie is very cute. What is your favorite skittle color/flavor?

  3. love the hoodie!!!! and the caddy. what a thoughtful gift!

  4. Love the caddy...can you tell me what brand it is so I can find one too?

  5. You're not the last to know about Skittles going semi-cruelty free... that'd be me! :P And I'm so jealous of your cupcake caddy!

  6. i saw something about skittles in the vegnews issue this month...i think it was an ad. and i dont imagine they'd advertise anything non vegan. yay SKITTLES!

  7. ??????????????

    What?? You're not the last to know, I guess I am. I <3 Skittles, this makes me....well I'm very conflicted. It was good that I couldn't eat them because...I didn't eat all that sugar. But I'm also very happy because I totally love them. I like the purple package though.

  8. Oooh ohh I have that cupcake carrier. My mom gave it to me for my birthday! I stuck a Ziggy Stardust and a Death Cab For Cutie sticker on it!

    Soy Not Oi is really fun...Be warned that some of the recipes are designed to feed a whole vegan-punk-commune rather than a few people. The peanut butter chocolate chip cookie recipe could feed nations! I love that cookzine!

    Happy Early Birthday :)

  9. I didn't know about Skittles, either! That's better news to me than I should admit.

    Now, it would be really great if they could make the Starbursts without gelatin!

  10. Skittles used to be my fav candy too. Especially the tropical flavor, even if they are technically Vegan now, I couldn't eat them because artificial flavors and colors give me headaches :(.
    Happy early Birthday, glad you had so much fun. I love that cupcake caddy.

  11. I LOVE that your bf got your gifts at a garage sale and a thrift store! Hooray for upcycling!

    Happy early birthday!

  12. oh daaaang I'm going to have to get just one bag of skittles, I think. I have that same cupcake caddy, it's the best.

  13. As a vegan and also GF and Soy free too, it's nice to see that Skittles are vegan. I dont know if they are soyfree or not but yeah I thought I was the last person to learn that info..guess you were :) They probably still have HFCS in them though. Which sometimes I just dont care when I really need something sweet. Guess that blows my high raw strategy :)

  14. mmmmmm, fruit that sticks to your teeth!
    I wonder if "Dots" are vegan? - love those.

  15. happy birthday month! i was in memphis for gonerfest and ate at R.P. Tracks twice in three days! i just love that place.

  16. What awesome bday gifts! I'm always looking for excuses to use my cupcake caddy as well.

  17. Cupcake caddy's are awesome.

    And yes, Arthur is my identical. He looks just like me when I was 3. So much that his baby pictures could easily get confused with mine.

  18. oh! good news about skittles! I used to be quite a skittles eater in my day as well. I don't buy candy much anymore, but every once in a while... like if I'm going to the movies or whatever... What a great friend you have - so many special and perfectly right-on gifts!!

  19. i've never been a fan of skittles but it's nice that they're gel/glut free. i'm more stoked/jealous about that cupcake caddy.

    ps-e-mail me your addy and perhaps the birthday faeries will drop you something in the mail.

    xo jewy

  20. happy early birthday! you got some awesome gift there, lady. i adore your cupcake caddy!

  21. cupcake caddy! yay

    glad you had a nice birthday with your friend :)

  22. They also give out skittles in MRIs, oddly enough. And Tang.

    Happy Birthday! That cupcake caddy is the cutest!!!

  23. Yes, raw desserts can be obscenely expensive. Have you tried making your own? Try this recipe:

    I have made it twice and it freezes well.

  24. Back the freakin' truck UP. First, off, Skittles are vegan now? Don't tell The Brit, they were his favorite... and if he finds out he'll likely go on a Skittle binge, eventually lapsing into a sugar coma. I'll come in to find him lying in a pool of his own rainbow-colored vomit.

    Second, you went to Tracks for Nachos and to the gay club and DIDN'T TELL ME? Are you trying to keep Sheridan and me from meeting? You know we're facebook friends now, it's only a matter of time before we meet in person.*

    *whoa, I accidentally just typed "before we meet in prison" - Freudian slip or premonition? You decide.

  25. Yay cupcake caddy! I have a little 1-layer one, and it's awesome.

  26. oh no, i think i’m the last to know about the skittles, Bianca. i’m happy they no longer have animal product in them – but i’m with you on not wanting to support them because they’re animal testing jerks. hooray for your upcoming birthday – i love the cuppy hoodie, and that rocks on her finding Soy, Not Oi & hooking you up with the cuppy caddy! score! i can’t wait to check out the site for more rock’n tester recipes! wahooooooo!

  27. Cupcake caddy!!?? I can't believe it! This is the first time I see one, thanks Bianca! That's so clever and useful. Hopefully I can order it online...

  28. Thanks Bianca for the information on where to find the cupcake caddy. I will pick a couple of them up at Walmart this weekend.


  29. Yeah, yeah...I totally bought the cupcake caddy at walmart...hahaha....I didn't see one at the garage sale or thrift store and they were way more expensive at Bed Bath and Beyond, which is where I looked first.

    Stephanie - I agree, it is time to meet up, but hopefully not in prison. Ha!

    BIRFDAY! BIRFDAY! Bianca's the best friend EVERRRR. Yay! It was so good to see you!

  30. What a nice friend you have! I love the cupcake hoodie, it looks cute on you.

  31. What nice gifts. I've always practiced celebrating my birthday month.

  32. Hey! Send me that tester site invite please! Thanks!

  33. Skittles are vegan? Seriously? I don't expect to go out and grab some anytime soon either, but its nice to know we can, if we're stuck with nothing to eat but vending machine offerings, for instance...

  34. Happy birthday! Those are awesome presents.

    I never liked skittles (way too sugary), but my husband loves them, and he'll be glad to know he's no longer eating hooves.

  35. I just bought a cupcake carrier that has 24 spots. But now I have seen another on that carries 36 and is PINK! That would mean I could carry 60 cupcakes with me at any one time. So totally needed. ;)

    I love the cupcake hoodie! I want one.

  36. oh, I've got a caddy like this!
    And the hubster said I was stupid to buy it, HA!
    Now I'm going to tell him, you've got one , too.
    That'll teach him :)

  37. Is there any way I could become a tester?
    I'm not really sure how that works, but it would be really cool!

  38. last i checked skittles had gelatin.. glad they don't anymore!

  39. I just bought some Skittles because we'd been buying them for awhile since they went gelatin-free, but these had gelatin! WTF?

  40. @ Sara:
    Maybe it was just an old package? Did you buy it from somewhere that probably has a slow turnover?

  41. How are you? your website is cool
    Have a look at that cool emo video:

  42. Just be careful to still check the ingredients on Skittles, they don't seem to have everything in order. As I got a box labeled "gelatin free" that did in fact have gelatin in them.


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