
Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Got Robbed ... Again

So the bastards that broke into my house this past November have struck again. This time, they took off with my precious iMac and my printer.

They smashed my back window, leaving a huge hole for my six kitties to escape through. But luckily, I came home and all my fuzzies were in the house. So I'm very thankful for that.

But still ... they took my freakin' computer! The cops came but couldn't find any finger prints. They didn't find any last time either, so we assume they're using gloves. And the cops (and I) are almost 99.9 percent sure the culprits are my crackhead next-door neighbors. But with no real evidence, there's not much that can be done.

Fortunately, after the November incident, I got renter's insurance. So I should be able to replace my computer. But it still sucks. Bad.

My awesome friends Michelle and Wes came over as soon as I discovered the break-in. And my super-duper awesome parents drove in (they live an hour away from Memphis) immediately. My dad brought one of his extra computers for me to use while I wait for a new one. So I'll still be blogging while I wait! Yea!


  1. That is so ridiculous, I'm sorry that happened again!!

  2. I'm really sorry to hear that... being a victim of any crime is really horrible :(

    Glad that you and the kitties are okay, and that you have renters insurance.

  3. Oh my gosh Bianca!!! I'm so sorry this has happened again. You don't deserve it and just know I'm keeping you in my thoughts =)

  4. OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!! Pleeeease stay safe.

  5. I am so sorry to hear that! I'm glad that everyone is ok and that you have the renter's insurance and fantastic friends and family! Hugs and happy thoughts being sent your way.

  6. I'm so sorry about what happened. But Karma's a bitch, so does who did that to you have it coming.
    The good thing is that you and your kittens are okay.

  7. I hate to hear that! I hope you are ok. I know physically, but I mean emotionally because this can really do a number on you. I hope those crackheads get what is coming to them and soon. That blows! I wish there was more I could say to make you feel better. Just know I'm thinking about ya. I am glad you and the kitties were safe and thank goodness for family and friends to ease the pain. Take care of yourself and be careful!

  8. OMG.. that is HORRIBLE.. I am sooo sorry. Seriously.. what a scary thing to deal with. Not being "safe" in your home..

  9. What?! Gosh Bianca, those farts deserve some serious kicks to the face, rear, and so on... I'm really sorry that you've become a target for them. Want me to build you a booby trap? I will. I'm glad you have renter's insurance now, it doesn't provide full relief and comfort, but it helps.

  10. Oh, no! Not again. I'm so happy your kitties are safe, warm, and with their mummy, though. :)

  11. I am so sorry. I am glad that you have insurance. I hope that they catch the guys soon.

  12. omg!!!! that is absolutely terrible Bianca. I am so sorry that they took your computer. Atleast nothing happened to your cats.. that would have been worse. Somethings can be replaced.
    just make sure that you stay safe. It must be scary.

    I HOPE THEY CATCH THE DANM CULPRITS!!! stupid crack heads!

  13. I'm so sorry! I hope the jerks get caught soon.

  14. I wish you could move to another place right now! I'm so sorry this has happened to you again.

  15. Bianca, I'm so sorry too! That really sucks. I'm so glad your kitties were still home.

  16. My biggest fear about someone breaking is someone leaving the house open so the cats can get out. As a result, I left my doors unlocked for a long time. I'm so sorry to hear about your break in, but I'm glad the kitties are safe!

  17. Ouch, twice in the space of a few months, that's really horrible... Fortunately, you and your cats are uninjured, but it's still a traumatic experience. I hope whoever is responsible gets their comeuppance SOON.
    It's good to know there are good people who are there for you!
    Sending hugs and good thoughts your way.

  18. :-(

    i'm sorry bianca, that sucks big balls.


  19. i am glad you and your kitties are safe and well! i hope they find those fuckers :) i am so enjoying testing for you, btw! this country-raised-city-girl is happy!
    good luck with everything!

  20. That's terrible to hear - hope you are doing ok. Good to hear all of the kitties are at home and ok. Renters insurance sounds like a pretty good idea - hope everything works out - what a nasty experience.

  21. Oh no! That sucks so bad. Poor you!

  22. Bianca, that is terrible!!! Especially that it has happened twice?? I'm sorry :( I hope the insurance covers everything.

  23. !@#$%^&%$#$%^&!!!

    That's horrible! I can't imagine such a terrible thing happening to such an awesome person AGAIN. I am really glad you have renter's insurance, but that doesn't make up for the fact of being made so vulnerable, among everything else. I'm so sorry!

    Can I send you some cookies or something?

  24. That is awful. As if the first violation wasn't enough. You should move. To Nashville. ;-)

  25. I am so sorry!!! This really blows. I'm glad your cats didn't run away. Let me know if I can help.

  26. I am soooo sorry! (I had a break-in a fews back too).


  27. i'm so glad your kitties stayed put (and that you have renters insurance) - but i'm so sorry this happened again, Bianca! what a**holes! i'm so sorry!

  28. what the crap?! that's terrible! i would demand bars on my windows or an alarm system or something!

  29. Oh, no. Not again! I'm so sorry.

  30. Holy crap Bianca! Seriously - that is shameful - esp. putting the little kittens at risk. I am so glad that they are ok.

    I am really sorry that they ran off with your mac. That blows. I am making some peanut butter cups right now and they are totally for you! Warm thoughts.

  31. Bianca

    I am so sorry you got robbed again. That really sucks. Someone needs to go over to your neighbor's home and put them in their place. Geez! Thank goodness for renters insurance. I hope you have a good weekend.

  32. I'm so sorry that this has happened again. It really sucks! I'm glad to hear that the kitties are ok and that you are too. Is there any way you could move? I know its not the most feasible option, but your safety is what is important. Best of luck.

  33. holy shit bianca, i'm SO SORRY this has happened to you! i'm so relieved the kitties were okay, you're okay, and you have renter's insurance. out of all the bonghits that made up my high school years, the one useful thing i gleaned from my HS diploma was the "get renter's insurance!" that my home ec. teacher grilled into my head.

    i know i'm really far away, but if you need to just vent, drop me a line. you are very blessed to have such an awesome support network during this very unfair time. i hope justice is served.

    (((loving mojo and jew-ju being sent your way))))
    xo jewy

  34. Geez! What's up with all that? Your calm and cool attitude is admirable. That's awesome that your kitties are fine and you've got good people supporting you :)

  35. OMG, Noooooo!!!

    I had a crap day yesterday, too and I had to keep thinking, "well at least I wasn't in a plane crash." Add to that now, "well at least I didn't get freakin' robbed."

    Geez. I hope they get those crack heads. That takes a lot of balls to steal your stuff twice.

    Sucks the police can't seem to do anything. I think you should take tahinitoo's offer of booby traps and catch them Brady Bunch style.

  36. You should have bars put on the windows. Check the local pawnshops for your laptop. If it were me, I'd retaliate, but I guess it's not safe to start a war if your kitties aren't always protected.

  37. O thats just the worst thing that could happen, glad you and your fuzzies are safe tho

  38. Not again! Ugh, thieves infuriates me. I'm glad you have renter's insurance now and such an awesome group of people to support you.

  39. OH MY GOD. Bianca,
    I am so sorry! That is a giant sadness. It's gotta be scary living in a place that has been broken into twice. whew. You are in my thoughts. I'll be sending your little cookbook off as soon as I got back to California this weekend... hopefully it will bring you a little cheer.

  40. WTF! I'm so sorry, Bianca - sadly I've heard of that happening - jerks that figure out how to get into a place and figure out your schedule and try again. I'm so glad you have insurance, but it's still so icky. You have wonderful parents and wonderful friends - and I'm so glad your kitties were there and ok.

  41. That's really shitty. I hope you didn't lose too much on your computer. I'm glad to hear all your kitties were safe and sound.

  42. JEEZ why do they keep coming after you?! That's crazy! But thank God you bought renter's insurance!!

  43. I'm so sorry that this happened to you! As others have said, the psychological/emotional side of something like this is often the hardest thing to deal with. Stay strong!

    On the booby trap idea...maybe one of those 'nanny cam' deals hidden inside a teddy bear or something, pointed toward the area where they keep breaking in? At least that way if they strike a third time, you would have proof of who it was.

    On a positive note, i discovered your blog a few months ago, and have really been enjoying your recipes. The healthy breakfast wrap looks really good!

  44. Bianca! My lord, that is really the limit! I can't imagine how frustrated you must be right now! The police are so useless about stuff like this too... I really hope you come up with a solution to this problem that helps you to feel more safe.

    So sorry doll!

  45. Oh my goodness Bianca! I'm just seeing this now and I"m SO SO sorry this happened to you again! Glad to hear you weren't home and that your kitties didn't run off but that really really sucks about your computer.

  46. Oh man, AWFUL! Let me know if there's anything I can do to make life easier for you.

  47. Oh noooooo! What a miserable thing to happen in the first place (I remember you posting when it happened) and how awful to have it happen AGAIN! No one should have to put up with that!!


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