East coast, west coast, whatever. This stuff was incredible! And super simple.
That melty goodness all over the top is Teese, of course. Under that is the Skinny Bitch Basic Red Sauce, made with crushed tomatoes, fresh herbs, garlic, red wine, hot sauce, and agave nectar.
In true Skinny Bitch fashion, I used brown rice pasta lasagna noodles (because white pasta is nasty). The noodles were covered in alternating layers of red sauce, Teese, homemade tofu ricotta, and Morningstar Farms veggie burger crumbles.
As you can see, I have a problem "plating" lasagna, but I swear it tasted way better than it looks. I believe this was the first time I've made lasagna with burger crumbles. I usually use eggplant or spinach or something veggie-ish. But this was a nice stand-in for the old meat lasagna I used to love as a kid. Only way healthier. And minus the cruelty.
I think lasagna is unplateable....for everyone around the world unless you are a food photographer who uses plastic food props.
Yours looks amazing...I haven't tried Teese - can't get it over here...will look for it when I go home to Canada in October, because man oh man, that is one wicked looking lasagna!
it looks great! you could try letting it sit for a while once it's out of the oven so that it has less of a tendency to fall apart. even though yours doesn't look like it did, I'm just sayin'.
I love lasagna! I was just thinking I should make some again, soon...I wish I could get some yummy faux cheese though!
My mother makes the world's best lasagna and we have learned how to make it without the pepperoni and meatballs that we used to use. We also use whole wheat pasta noodles which are fantastic becuase they hold up really well and don't get all - errr...slimy like white pasts can.
Yours looks truly delicious - I love brown rice pasta! Tofu ricotta is the shizzle too.
Who are you kidding? That lasagna is BEAUTIFUL!! The only way it could look *more* beautiful is on a fork somewhere in the general vacinity of my mouth. ;)
Yes the only white pasta I can stand is those Chinese noodles but I use whole wheat all the time. The pic is not bad Bianca. I know you could not wait to eat it so it was still warm and it would be hard to plate.How is this fake cheese tasting. Does it melt or did you put on the teese close to the end of baking?
I have a craving now for this kind of comfort food
ohhhhh! i think your lasagna looks damn delicious, Bianca! the teese on top has got me thinking about ordering another "log o' gloriousness"! the sauce sounds wonderful (red wine in there?! sweet!) - and i'm not one for white pasta either. white pasta = the suck.
i jeez, it looks so gooooooood! :D
aww that was my *first* vegan recipe ever..before I even became vegan(but was trying stuff out..and ended up using the soy cheese with casein..doh!)
haha im not going to lie though, yours looks sooo much better! :)
Oooh, lasagna!! Hey, you plate it better than I ever could, haha ;0)
We eat whole wheat pasta at our house, but we had some white pasta at my Mom's the other day when she invited us over for dinner on the spur-of-the-moment. I must admit that the pasta tasted pretty good. She's a whole-wheater, too, so I asked her why she made white pasta. Like a good wife, she blamed my Dad.
Love the lasagna - it looks amazing. Especially with all that melty teese on top. Yum!
Oooh, now I want some lasagna! Mine never plates nicely either. I am slowly getting over my white pasta addiction, although the boyfriend and his inherent distrust of whole grains are not helping. (But we did just get a bunch of whole wheat spaghetti at Costco, so now we have no choice!)
Looks A-mazing and I want some right now....especially since I'm only on day 3 of this stupid ass diet. LASAGNA! COME TO ME! Thinking about ordering some Teese...
Good plating or not, the lasagna looks awesome.
That looks super yummy - especially the first pic! I must have cooked my Teese too long; when I used it on pizza and in calzones it pretty much melted so much that it turned to liquid. Yours looks perfect!
Oh wow.......now my mouth is really watering. I tried to order some Teese but it's on backorder. I would cry if it would do any good. =)
Let me check my calendar and see what's going on. I would love to go though.
Bianca, I think this looks delicious! Teese should hire you to create recipes to market their product, this is so temptatious!
Mmmmm... that really makes me want some lasagna, even if I don't have any teese to put on it! I need to revist SBINTK. Their meatloaf recipe was delicious. Love how you used healthy pasta! Oh, and yes, lasagna is impossible to plate...
If it tasted better than it looks, then it must've tasted out-of-this-world... because it LOOKS pretty amazing to me!
i actually like miki's lagagna recipe at random hag. the sitting suggestion works too if you're wanting to take pics of it.
don't you just love SBITK? that cookbook is flippin' awesome. We have gone nuts over every meal I've made out of it -- and we've made over 50% of them! those girls rule.
That looks so yummy and being absolutely starving right now I could really use a slice!
Ohhhhh this looks super yummy. Paula Deen made some Lasagna Soup earlier that I am dreaming about veganizing.... yummmmmmoooo
As for the apples... make a drive down to good ol' SC and you can have all the apples your heart desires. :) My hubby is in Bristol right now... not sure how close that is to ya or I'd of had him drop some off! :)
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