Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Vegan Spam Fried Rice

I recently happened upon a little can of vegan spam at the Viet Hoa, my neighborhood Vietnamese market. 

I'd tried the Omni Foods vegan spam awhile back, but that comes frozen in a bag. This stuff, by Unmeat, comes in a can, just like the real thing. And it falls out in a blob! Yum! Haha.

Once I cut into the spam, I could see little flecks of something. I'm not sure what. But it's plant-based, so I don't really care what it is. 

Granted, it doesn't look that appetizing when it's uncooked. But it fried up nicely in a skillet! The can had a recipe on the back for Spam Fried Rice, so I made that because, honestly, I wasn't sure what else to do with it. I used brown rice (for balance!), and the dish also had carrots, corn, scallions, soy sauce, and sesame oil. A perfect pairing with the spam. 

This stuff tasted very much like I remember Spam tasting. I think it was closer to Spam, taste-wise, than the Omni Foods brand. But I think the Omni has a better texture. Both are good though! And I'd buy them again.

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