
Monday, June 24, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

I went to my parents' house in Cherokee Village for Father's Day, and we did a little weenie roast in my parents' new-ish firepit. They had the pit built last year, but they've barely used it. So I suggested roasting hot dogs to break it in.

I used a couple Veggie Dogs, and my parents had meat hot dogs. Mama also made a Vegan Macaroni Salad and some Baked Beans.

After dinner, we made S'mores! Using Dandie's vegan marshmallows, dark chocolate, and some Belvita breakfast cookies. Those are a nice vegan stand-in for graham crackers since most have honey.

The next morning, mama cooked a big breakfast with Just Egg, Impossible Sausage and Biscuits, and Hash Browns. She makes the biscuits and hash browns from scratch, and both are so good.

1 comment:

  1. A fire pit sounds so fun - I am glad you found a yummy way to use it during your visit. And your mom is such a gem for all the delicious vegan food she makes! - Sri.


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