
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Vegan Donuts + 5 miles = Bad Idea

I realized, since I've missed almost a month of posting in April, that I failed to update y'all on a crazy race I did. In mid-April, I signed up for the Donuts & Dogs 5-miler, which benefits the Streetdog Foundation. In this annual race, you run 2.5 miles, eat anywhere between 3 and 12 donuts, and then run another 2.5 miles. They don't typically offer vegan donuts, but I'm friends with the race organizer (it's mostly hashers who run it, and a hasher puts it together every year). So I asked if I could BYOD (bring your own donuts), and of course, that was fine. 

I ordered a dozen vegan donuts from Darling Donuts — glazed, lemon curd-filled, and apple fritters —to split between three vegans who were running: me, Kenzie, and Kate. 

We intended to each eat four donuts at the halfway point, but we quickly realized that was a bad idea. These donuts, lovingly baked by my friend Lily, are delicious, but they're also bigger than your average non-vegan donut. We figured each one equaled two Krispy Kremes, which is what everyone else was eating. So we decided on three each. 

Kate had no problem scarfing down those donuts and finishing her run. And Kenzie cheated and ate only two before taking off. Me, on the the hand, I struggled. A lot. It was a hot day, and I was having a hard time eating donuts after those first 2.5 miles. It took me FOREVER to get all three down, and I wanted to throw up a few times. But I did it! I think, from now on, I'll stick to the beer mile though.


  1. Wow what an interesting/challenging race concept! You are a trooper for downing all those donuts during the race. - Sri.

  2. Hahahaha... I'm laughing at the thought of this. Yes, I don't think I'd enjoy this! On the other hand it would be a good excuse to binge eat donuts. Glad you survived the experience.


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