
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Donuts, Quesadillas, & Chick'n Burgers!

Last Friday morning, my friend Pam sent me a text that said "Look outside your door." So I did. And there was a box of Darling Donuts! Pam ordered her friends vegan Valentine donuts for Galentine's Day! I have the best friends!

Here's a Refried Black Bean & Cheese Quesadilla that I ate for dinner one night. It has black beans, Daiya, and spinach. Topped with lots of guac.

I got a bunch of guac on sale for 38 cents a tub, so I'm finding all kinds of ways to use it. One day last week, I made Mexican Oats with salsa and spinach, topped with leftover black beans (from the quesadillas) and guac.

I've been taking Soul in the Raw's vegan cooking classes, and I'm getting all kinds of fun new recipes. I made her Mediterranean Bowl with Hummus & Veggies last week. It's a raw dish with marinated raw zucchini, eggplant, and mushrooms (marinated in tamari and herbs) and served atop greens. The hummus is oil-free and has edamame, tahini, and lots of seasonings. 

I picked up some of the Simple Truth Emerge Chicken Patties a couple weeks ago at Kroger. They were with the plant meat products, like Beyond and Impossible. They're okay. Not as good as the breaded Boca chicken though. These aren't breaded, but I think they'd be better if they were. Next time, I'll add some BBQ sauce because they needed something. Served with air-fried turnip fries and curry sauce. The turnip fries are so good! You just coat turnips with a bit of oil and spices and air-fry just like potatoes. My dad has been eating these a lot on his keto diet and recommended them!


  1. Oooh, I definitely want to try turnip fries!!

  2. Such a lovely gift from your friend.
    And I definitely need to try turnip fries.


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