
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Explore Cuisine: Red Rice Pad Thai

Quick note: This is a sponsored post, thanks to my friends at Explore Cuisine — makers of organic protein-packed pastas made from beans, lentils, rice and peas. I don’t do a lot of sponsored posts, generally opting instead for more objective review posts where I can say whatever I want. But when I do agree to work with a company on a sponsored post, you can trust that it’s a company I REALLY believe and support. #UseYourNoodle

As many regular readers probably know by now, I am constantly striving to find a balance between healthy eating and treating myself. Part of that process has been trying to limit my oil consumption, saving myself for really special takeout when it’s most deserved (or desired). 

So most nights, Thai takeout is out of the question. It’s totally fine for an occasional splurge, but on your average week night, I’d rather stick to something a little lighter. That’s when it’s best to make Thai food at home, when I can control the salt, sugar, and fat in my dish.

When I received review samples of Explore Cuisine’s Organic Red Rice Pad Thai Noodles, I knew healthy Pad Thai was in my future. And lucky me, there was a delicious-sounding recipe for it on the box.

Rather than re-invent the wheel, I opted to try their version, and it was fantastic! Unlike some other Explore Cuisine noodles, these red rice noodles are not quite as high in protein (4 grams per serving). That’s because they have a base of red and white rice, rather than the pulses that give other Explore Cuisine pastas their high protein content. But they’re still gluten-free and have a perfect, chewy texture that I enjoyed much more than traditional rice noodle pasta. 

The recipe from the box might not be quite as authentic as what you’d find in a Thai restaurant, but it’s light and cooling (thanks to cucumbers and radishes). Perfect for these warm early fall nights we’re experiencing in the South! It’s the #SmarterWaytoPasta.

The only change I made to their recipe was omitting part of the oil in favor of non-stick cooking spray and adding soy sauce to the tempeh.

Organic Red Rice Pad Thai with Savory Peanut Sauce
Courtesy of Explore Cuisine

8 oz. organic red rice pad thai noodles, cooked, rinsed, drained
1 cup block tempeh, cubed
2 tsp. soy sauce
Non-stick cooking spray
1 cucumber, seedless, sliced into strips
2 radishes, sliced
2 scallions, sliced
2 chilis, thinly sliced
2 Tbsp. chopped peanut
2 Tbsp. chopped cilantro

Savory Peanut Sauce
2 Tbsp. peanut butter
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 Tbsp. rice vinegar
1 Tbsp. agave nectar
1 Tbsp. toasted sesame oil
1 garlic clove, minced

Whisk all sauce ingredients together. Stir-fry tempeh in a pan coated with non-stick cooking spray and the soy sauce until browned, then drain on paper towel.

Toss noodles with sauce. Fold in tempeh, cucumber, radish, scallion, and chili. Divide among 4 plates. Garnish with peanuts and cilantro.


  1. This sounds really tasty! I’ve found some restaurants make pad thai way too sweet and oily. Do the noodles hold up as leftovers the next day? That seems to be the problem with other gf pasta i have tried, the next day any leftovers are moosh.

  2. Yum! I love eating out, and Thai is one of my favourites, but I agree it tends to be a bit on the oily side for me. But can definitely control that nicely at home!

  3. I love any kind of rice noodles dish, especially with a peanut sauce!

  4. That pad thai looks delicious and so colorful and fresh! I definitely want to give this a try!

  5. I love their red and brown rice noodles better than the regular kind. It has a little more oomf than other noodles.


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