
Monday, September 19, 2011

Post Punk Kitchen Cookbook Challenge: Week One

For the first time ever, I've decided to take part in the PPK Cookbook Challenge, in which bloggers and PPK-ers cook from a predetermined book each week. Now, I'm the world's worst PPK-er. Since they re-launched the vegan forum last year, I've posted exactly 34 times (I checked today). It's just so hard to keep up with the monster force that is the Post Punk Kitchen.

But I just so happened to stumble on the cookbook challenge as it was getting started this time. And I figured, what the hell? I had most of the cookbooks on the list. The book for Sept. 18th through the 24th is anything by Isa or Terry. I decided to cut two carrots with one knife (check out my clever Colleen Patrick Goudreau idiom!!) and use Veganomicon since it's by both of these lovely ladies.

I often ignore the brunch section of Vcon, maybe because there are so many more options in Isa's Vegan Brunch. But the small selection of brunch items in VCon are pretty damn good. Take, for example, this Tofu Florentine:

That's an English muffin topped with sauteed spinach, broiled tofu, and vegan cheezy sauce. How freakin' balanced is that breakfast?! Right?

I made a batch of this Sunday night, and I'll be heating up a little each day this week for the morning meal. That means I have a quick, healthy breakfast waiting for me for three more days. Oh yea, I know a thing or two about planning ahead. ;-)

What are your favorite recipes from the Veganomicon?


  1. I could do that! Just baked some chocolate cookies yesterday using the recipe of Veganomicon ;-) I bought the book pretty late and didn't make too many recipes yet but I'm loving the cookies.

    PS. Yeah, I'm expecting a little boy but the post about polenta was the first one in the blog where I've mentioned that!

  2. bianca that looks great. we're gonna have to look for that recipe in the book asap. our favorite recipe from that book is literally one of our top 3 things to eat. it's the "Braised seitan with Brussels, kale, and sun-dried tomatoes" but we don't use seitan since we're wheat-sensitive. we do the veg-only version and the three ingredients above plus the shallots make for one amazing meal. try it sometime!

  3. your tofu florentine looks delicious! i actually just did a post on spaghetti squash mexicana, also from veganomicon! it's such an amazing cookbook ;)

  4. Ooh I should totally do this. My favorite is the corn casserole or something like that. It's really good, I think it's on the 1st or 2nd page of the casserole section!

  5. I love the Tofu Florentine! I don't think I have a fave since all the recipes are great, but we probably make the Chickpea Noodle Soup the most.

  6. We love Snobby Joes. So easy to make, so yummy, filling, and a comfort food.

  7. Your tofu florentine looks great! There are so many wonderful recipes in Veganomicon, but my top two favorites are the hot sauce glazed tempeh and chickpea cutlets.

  8. Definitely the Snobby Joes, the Cholent and the Chickpea Cutlets. Such a great book. I also often reference the beginning section where it talks about various basic directions for cooking veggies.

  9. The potato rolls are amazing, I make them every year for Thanksgiving.

  10. I make the White Bean Aioli waaay too often. I also like the Potato Leek casserole with biscuit crust, and the Collard Rollups with Baked Beans.

    Veganomicon was the first vegan cookbook I ever purchased and I spent my first three months as a vegan cooking for about 3 hours every night - poring over recipes, running to the store for ingredients I'd never heard of, coming back home to pick up where I'd left off.... that book helped me get through a really cold winter.

    My puppy at the time (he's a full-grown dog now) would sit at my feet and nibble on carrots, green beans, greens.. everything I cooked. To this day, if I sette in for a long evening of cooking and experimenting, he's right there - waiting to sample the veggies. People laugh when they see how excited he gets at zucchini slices with hummus:)

  11. Looks delicious! I can't think of too much from VCon off the top of my head, but I made the vanilla yogurt poundcake recently and it was awesome.

  12. I may have a PPK account (not totally sure?), but it seems intimidating to me too as I doubt I could keep up. But I love everyone who's a part of it and all the great stuff that comes out of it, like this challenge!

    Man that Florentine looks so good. I have yet to make that recipe, along with many out of the book though I've owned it a while.

    Hands down, the recipe we make the most out of that book is the Chickpea Cutlets. I think R and I both have the recipe memorized. ;]

  13. NEVER JUST ONE! gazborscht, french lentil soup, and the jelly donut cupcakes!

  14. I could tackle three of those babies to start the day....what brand of english muffin did you use?

  15. My favs are the chickpea cutlets and chili-cornmeal lime encrusted tofu.

  16. I've decided that I need Vegan Brunch. Drew and I are huge breakfast/brunch people, but I've not gotten too inventive with brunchy foods since going vegan and I think I need some inspiration! Your tofu florentine looks delicious!


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.