
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Primal Strips! A Giveaway!

When I was a kid, my dad used to make homemade deer jerky in his dehydrator. That's what I thought dehydrators were intended for. Now I know better. No offense daddy, but deer jerky is gross (yes, my dad reads my blog!). Thankfully, my dad has stopped hunting since I've gone vegan. And now he understands the other uses for a dehydrator — hello flax crackers and tofu jerky!

Though I've yet to make tofu jerky in my dehydrator, I do enjoy a good "meaty" chew from Primal Strips. That's why I was elated when they offered to send me a sample pack to review. Over the years, I'm pretty sure I've tried all the Primal Strips varieties, but unfortunately, my Whole Foods only carries a few flavors.

A couple of weeks ago, Primal Strips sent me a package with all six of their delicious flavors. My favorite is the Hot 'n' Spicy Shitake Mushroom, mainly due to the easy-to-bite-off texture and mildly spicy flavor.

A close second is the Texas BBQ, a sweet 'n' tangy soy jerky that provide loads of chewy fun. I also loved the Hickory Smoked soy jerky, which honestly tastes very, very similar to the Texas BBQ flavor. I could easily get those two confused. But that's not a bad thing at all. By the way, both of the soy flavors are gluten-free.

Gluten lovers will worship the Teriyaki flavor, a sweet Asian-inspired seitan strip with a touch of licorice root. The Thai Peanut seitan flavor is delish, but I would love a bit of a stronger peanut flavor. And the Mesquite Lime seitan strip is packed with dill-heavy, citrus-infused boldness.

The best part for you? The folks at Primal Strips would love to give a sample pack to one lucky reader! Just leave me a comment letting me know which flavor you love (or think you'd love) the most for a chance to enter. For a second and third entry, tweet a link to the contest and/or link to it on Facebook ... and then leave me a comment to let me know you did for a maximum of three entries per person (one regular comment, one about Twitter, and one about Facebook).

Oh, and I think this contest needs to be limited to U.S. residents only because I don't know if the Primal Strips company would be willing to ship out-of-country (sorry international blog friends!!). Also, if you don't have a blog where I can find you, please leave your email address in the comment (write it like this — address[at]website[dot]com — to avoid spammers).

I'll use a random number generator (from to select a winner next Wednesday night. Happy jerky-ing!


  1. Ooh! I just ate the Hickory flavor the other day and was very impressed. My local market now carries that flavor and Teriyaki, but I'd love to try the others - yum!

  2. I looove Primal Strips! I go through fazes with flavors but I'm on a Thai Peanut kick right now.

  3. I've had the hickory flavor, but would love to try the others. Yum.

  4. I'm with you -- I love the hot and spicy shiitake!

  5. The lime is by far my favorite and they are sooo good for backpacking snacks!

  6. The Hot 'n' Spicy Shitake Mushroom, or Thai peanut sounds good! I've never tried vegan jerky before.

  7. I've never had any of those !
    The hot 'n spicy jerky looks neat.

  8. I'm gonna say the hot 'n spicy shiitake mushroom. They're all good though.

  9. I'd like to try that dill/lime variety you mentioned! It sounds really good! Thanks Bianca!

  10. Hot n' Spicy Shiitake Mushroom, cause it's like me! Um, kinda shiitake-esque. Please!!!!!!

  11. Oooh, I love those primal strips. I like the BBQ version, even though I never liked beef jerky before I was vegan. :) But don't enter me in because I live in Belgium.

  12. I love that there are two gluten-free flavors!!! I would love to try the Hot 'n' Spicy Shitake Mushroom Primal Strips- I love anything spicy :)

  13. Oops- just realized that the mushroom flavor isn't gluten free! The hickory sounds delicious, as well.

  14. Mmmmm, hickory smoked sounds delicious! I'd love me some jerky!

  15. Hmm.. I like the Thai Peanut a lot. Haven't been able to fully replicate it in tofu jerky quite yet but hopefully soon!

  16. Never had these before, I think I would like Teriyaki the best but I'm also curious to try the Thai Peanut. I also tweeted this under account fbfcn

  17. I've never seen these before, but I'm going to guess I would love the Shitake best. I love mushrooms!

  18. I'd want to try the mesquite lime. I think I'll be looking for these in my stores.

  19. I don't think I've tried jerky before, vegan or not. The thai peanut sounds yummy!

  20. I've had the Teriyaki and Thai Peanut before but the spicy shiitake sounds divine!

  21. I love the Texas BBQ Flavor (been eating it for years). Love the combination of sweat and savory and chewy. Love how the more you chew the more flavor is released.

  22. I've never tried the mesquite lime - hmmm . . .

  23. Yay for giveaways! I love Primal Strips in all flavors, but theMesquite Lime is especially awesome.

  24. I've never tried Primal Strips, but I think I'd love the Hickory flavour. Mmmmm...

  25. I would love any flavor that is gluten-free! And, for the record, if Primal Strips offered me freebies to review I would be all over it! DO YOU HEAR ME, PRIMAL STRIPS? Send me gluten-free strips and I will love them, publicly.

    Jerky, jerky, jerky!

    *I'm chanting*

  26. Texas BBQ, since that's where I live and BBQ is something I never eat. Also - I had no idea there were so many flavors!

  27. I LOVE Hot n Spicy, I love that it's made out of mushrooms and I love a little flare in anything I aeat!!

  28. I think I would like the Hot 'n' Spicy Shitake Mushroom. I love primal strips but I havent had that flavor yet!

  29. My favorite is the Texas BBQ! I ate so many of these things last summer while I was WWOOFing in Oregon.

  30. It's between Teriyaki and Shitake flavors. But really I need to taste all the flavors to be fair to the

  31. I've never seen the Thai peanut before-that sounds delish! I love the Hickory flavor.

  32. I've never tried these, but they look wonderful!! I would probably go nuts for the teriyaki.

  33. Mmmm, I may need to try these, especially the teriyaki flavor, thanks.

  34. I'm pretty sure I'd dig the hot & spicy shiitake mushroom since, well, I <3 mushrooms!

  35. I would looove to try the Shiitake flavor! Or Mesquite Lime - I feel like that's the flavor I'm least likely to chose so I would love to try it out.

  36. Oooh! What a wonderful giveaway. Unfortunately, my local grocery store only carries the Hickory smoked. I think I would love the Mesquite Lime!

  37. I never had "real" jerky & then I tasted a vegan version once and was oddly intrigued Your description of the Hot & Spicy Shitake Mushroom flavor makes me want to try it!

  38. Tweeted via @beanmail Wanna try some #vegan jerky for free? Enter to win:

  39. I super love the hickory flavor, but I feel like it gives me yucky breath :)

  40. my favorite is definitely mesquite lime!

  41. anything SPICY = my fav for sure! Love Primal Strips... best veg jerky out there, imho!

  42. I'm a sucker for the Teriyaki flavor - a little sweet and savory all at once. Kate

  43. I've never had primal strips before but I'd love to try the teriyaki flavor. Yum.

  44. I'd love to try the Texas BBQ! I think anything with barbecue sauce is fantastic and I'm gluten free so that would be perfect.

  45. Teriyaki is my favorite thus far, but I haven't tried all of the flavors yet and would love the chance to!

  46. I just left a link and status update about it on my facebook!

  47. I've had a few flavors - I think I liked Teriyaki the best. I would love to try the Thai Peanut...

  48. I have always wanted to try those! I have never had any of them before, but would love to try the Shitake Mushroom one most of all :-)

    Now I wish I had a twitter and facebook account, lol!


  49. I Love Love Love Primal Strips (I love Teriyaki) and and my meat eating co-worker Charles would be downright giddy if he knew that I wonthis contest-Thai Peanut & Texas BBQ are his favorites.

  50. I didn't know they had a mesquite lime. Sounds super good!

  51. They don't sell that round here. I'd love to win some :)

  52. Ooh, I've never tried any of them! The Hot 'n' Spicy Shiitake flavor sounds awesome... as does Thai Peanut.

  53. I would probably love the Texas BBQ flavor best. Anything described as "sweet & tangy" will usually have my vote!

  54. I love me some Mesquite Lime!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I think I'd like the Thai Peanut.

  57. Mesquite Lime is by far my favourite primal strip! Although, with my love of all things spicy I would love to give that one a try...

  58. Definitely Mesquite Lime!! Soooo good, and rarely get a chance to buy them. YAY for your giveaway :)

  59. I just tweeted about this (@tanyatheviolist)

  60. I love, love, LOVE the thai peanut one!

  61. Of the flavors I've had, the Texas BBQ is my favorite. The Shitake sounds amazing though!

  62. Ooh! Ooh! I was just reading about these!! I will have to check my grocery stores for them.

    I think I would love the Hot & Spicy one -- hope I find them soon.

  63. Teriyaki, for sure!

  64. mm, i bet i'd like the thai peanut the best. i've been devouring anything and everything thai lately!

  65. Shitake and the mesquite lime both sound wonderful! I'd love to try the others, as well.

  66. Yay, I adore primal strips! It's all your fault too, ha ha ;-) Thanks for turning me onto them. And thanks for the giveaway! Thai Peanut is my current fave.

  67. if you recommend the hot and spicy shiitake, i bet it's good!

  68. Mesquite Lime! Gimme Some o dat! They all sound yum though.

  69. The Shitake Mushroom or BBQ flavors sound wonderful!

  70. FB'ed. BTW, you can reach me at anthroamy[at]

  71. Ooooo yum! I would totally give these to my bf who recently went veg but LOVED jerky. Awesome!

  72. Sorry me (above) Comment 79 left the wrong email...
    curlytop1127 @

  73. Teriyaki flavor. Definitely my "if you could only have one flavor on a desert island" choice. But they're all good! pythoness[at}gmail[dot]com.

  74. Never had em before but they look tasty.

  75. The Thai Peanut is awesome!!!

  76. mesquite lime sounds so interesting! or thai peanut

    mstav517 at yahoo dot com

  77. I think that I would love the Texas BBQ flavor the most! Will have to find these at my Whole Foods.

    jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  78. I've tried mesquite lime before and didn't love it... but I think I will love the Hickory. I just went out and bought some to do a mini taste test. Will report back later

  79. Of the ones I tried, Hickory Smoke was my favorite.

  80. I love the hot & spicy, but think they should make a habanero variety. That would be amazing!

  81. I bet the thai peanut flavor would be yummy!

  82. I freaking adore Primal Strips! I've only had the Thai Peanut, but there's just something about them that's SO fantastic!

  83. I like the Thai Peanut and Mesquite Lime flavors a lot!

  84. I would love to try the Thai Peanut...never heard of these but will now look for them at the local Co-op!

  85. I love the hickory smoked... but haven't tried any others yet...


  86. I really like the BBQ and Hot and Spicy. I just tried the Thai Peanut the other day and that was pretty good too :)

  87. i love primal strips, but i need to try the texas bbq! alisha_felthauser[at]yahoo[dot]com

  88. primal strips are the best! i love the hickory flavor.

  89. I've never had the chance to eat a Primal Strip, since they're not available in my area. But I'd love to try 'em!
    I think the Mesquite Lime flavor sounds really good, so I'm guessing that would be my favorite.

  90. Hot N' Spicy Shiitake Mushrooms. :D

  91. The Spicy Mushroom sounds great! I've never seen that flavor before!

  92. The mesquite lime flavor sounds divine!

  93. I KNOW I'd love the Texas BBQ flavor since BBQ is my love : )

  94. teriyaki! annrogers(at)gmail(dot)com. your site's the jam!

  95. Mmmmmm, Thai Peanut or Mesquite Lime or Hickory or, or, or......

    They all sound great -- I say surprise me, lol!

  96. mesquite lime for certain! I've been meaning to try these but can't find them near me anywhere!

  97. I think I'll love Thai Peanut! :)

  98. Tweeted:

  99. It's a tie between teriyaki and Thai peanut.

  100. I'm with you on the spicy shitake. It is my favorite by far. A couple of the other flavors are eerily slimey, but really tasty.

    The folks at Primal Spirit are so nice. They provided samples for a breast cancer benefit hike I put on. They are great for putting in a day or backpack for that protien you need for hiking. It was awesome!

  101. OK...I'm a Primal Strip all of them. Snack with them, cook with them all but my favorite is the Hickory. Great texture, taste and lots of protein just right for those of us with low blood sugar.


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.