
Monday, October 20, 2008

Raw Pizza!

I got tons of awesome birthday presents this year, one of which was container full of homemade raw buckwheat pizza crusts. My friend Judith, who's pretty much 100 percent raw, made them in her dehydrator.

She also included an avocado and a tomato in the gift bag so I had all the makin's of a raw pizza for dinner tonight. I used mashed, salted avocado in place of cheese and topped the crust with fresh tomatoes.

Though not pictured here, I also sprinkled the pizza with a little nooch for extra "cheesiness" and a B-12 boost.

Judith's crust was amazing. It had a bit of an Italian herb taste, like real pizza crust. But I don't know what she used in it. I'll have to get her recipe. For now though, I'm just going to enjoy eating homemade raw goodies that I didn't have to make on my own. I have enough crusts to save for the next raw food day (first Tuesday of each month), so expect more raw pizza later on.


  1. Yummmms. I have always wanted to try raw pizza.

  2. Awww, that's so sweet. Yay for great birthday presents.

  3. Judith is the coolest friend ever! I would just love a raw pizza crust! Fun & delicious!

  4. HEY!!!

    Just found your blog =)) and I'm So glad I did!!

    Your ideas are wonderful!! Creativity PURE!! :))

    Well..that pizza looks awasome...!!
    Since I'm on a high raw diet..I especially appreciate your RAW DAYS !! :D
    Pizaa with avocado...mmm..CAN't GO WRONG!!!!!

    Well,well...I'd be so HAPPY to see a comment from you on my new blog!! :D Pls visit me on

    Hope for your visit!!
    Enjoy the day!!

  5. What a sweet birthday present! It looks super delicious!

  6. Gorgeous photo. Really looks delicious.

  7. That is an awesome birthday present! I want a raw friend to share with me! :)

  8. that's such an awesome gift! oh my gosh, yay! :) the raw pizza crusts look amazing, Bianca! i can't wait to see what you top your next one with, too! mmmmmmmmmmm!

  9. that pizza looks really good. i anticipate reading the recipe. btw, my hub always refers to the avocado as "nature's cheese".

  10. Homemade gifts are the best! How nice of your friend. That crust looks delicious!

  11. Hey hey Bianca!! That's me again :)
    Thanks for your comment on my blog =D

    Well to your question :))actually I HATE cooked kohlrabi...hah :-D So I ALWAYS eay it RAW :) I think it's GREAT when eaten raw..ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAVE A FRESH JUICY ONE =D I recommend you-just GIVE IT A TRY and let me know HOW you like it :D

    Well...would be happy for a comment on my new post...=D

    If you have time take a look pls :D

    Enjoy the time!!

  12. raw pizza, yum! happy late birthday :)

  13. Lucky girl! I want a friend who will give me such a yummy birthday present!

  14. It seems like you have incredible friends and family and that your birthday celebration was fabulous! Happy belated birthday!

  15. I'm drooling over this delicious raw food right now! Pizza? No way! Send me some.

  16. that's an awesome gift for a food lover! Judith sounds really thoughtful.


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.