
Monday, May 8, 2023

Chickpea Salad and Spring Eats!

Man, sorry I ghosted y'all last week. I am getting ready for my 50-mile race (it's next Saturday!), and I've got a month-long work project that's taking up a lot of time. So, in my off time, I've just not wanted to be on the computer. And I'm running. A lot.

But here I am with another random food photo dump. Some of these are from the Spring Equinox, which was March 20, so yea, these are pretty old. Let's just start there. On Ostara, the first day of spring, I made a couple recipes from the Llewelyn's Sabbats Almanac. This Wilted Butter Lettuce Salad was kinda weird, but it was good. It definitely tasted like spring with its green peas, mint, sauteed leeks, and butter lettuce. I'm not real big on wilted salads, but every once in a while, they're nice.

I also made some Noochy Stuffed Mushrooms (they're stuffed with diced and sauteed mushrooms, nuts, and lots of nooch), and I had some vegan Wundereggs with a tahini drizzle. Wundereggs are life-changing. By the way, that weird grey color on the "eggs" is black salt. Not super pretty but tasty.

For dessert, I made a Strawberry Yogurt Parfait with crumbled vanilla cookies and mint. A very spring-y meal indeed!

Here's a random Hot Dog and Chips that I ate at my parents' house. I'd gone over to visit them and needed a quick lunch while I wrapped up some work, so my mama made me a vegan hot dog. Food is always better when mama makes it, no matter what it is.

And finally, here's another spring-y meal. I made the Chickpea Salad from Plant You, and it was SO GOOD. Plant You is all whole food, plant-based, so this was a vegan mayo-free recipe that had a tahini base. I didn't think it would be as good as chickpea salad with mayo, but it was actually better!

1 comment:

  1. Never even heard of Wunderegg. I always find out the new vegan things from you. Good luck these last few days before your race. I cannot even fathom what you are about to do. Excited to hear all about the race, your food, and your take on it all. - Sri.


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.