
Monday, August 8, 2022

Fiber Fueled Breakfast and Noodles!

We're on day 8 of the Fiber Fueled 4 weeks, from the meal plan in Dr. Will B's first book, Fiber Fueled. It's going great for me, but Paul is still eating cheese pizza, chips, and other foods not on the plan. That said, he's also eating some of the meals from the plan. I'm just going to have to be okay with his progress. You can lead the horse to water, right?

One day last week, I had this Superfood Smoothie Bowl from the book with a base of banana, strawberry kiwi, hemp seed, and peanut butter and topped with almond butter, fresh berries, and more hemp seeds. I loved all that nut butter!

Here's another week day breakfast from last week — Chia Coconut Pineapple Pudding with dates, lots of chia seeds, and chopped pineapple and mango. Light and refreshing on a hot morning!

And here's a really delicious meal (my fave so far!) of Nourishing Tomato Noodle Soup made with rice noodles and tofu in a tomato-ginger broth. A really tasty spin on traditional ramen. I would have never thought to make a broth like this with tomatoes, but it was perfection. 


  1. My first thought was, Paul is CRAZY! Why would he still be eating non-vegan crap? But... then I thought about the (vegan) things I eat that aren't good for me, like pretzels and potato chips (just to name a couple.) Old habits die hard, and it's tough to give up your favorites. But is he enjoying the Fiber Fueled meals he's eating? Because they all look incredible! You're right, it's all about progress, not perfection. (But if he's not eating those meals I'll be happy to come visit- you can cook for me!)


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