
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Welcome to Grilling Season!

Memorial Day weekend is one of my favorite food holidays! It marks the official start of grilling season, and I am here for it. There are few things I find more enjoyable than sitting on my back porch, beer in hand and waiting to flip some kabobs or a veggie burger. Grilling makes cooking dinner an event, and I hope to fill my summer with grill-out nights.

On Sunday, Paul and I went shopping and spent about an hour prepping kabobs, fresh corn, asparagus, and mushrooms. He also prepped some meat brats despite my suggestion that he should eat Beyond Brats instead. Oh well. 

I made the Sweet & Spicy Tofu Kebobs from the new Plant You cookbook. These have a srircha-soy-maple marinade, and they were just perfect. I don't know why, but tofu tastes better on a stick. I'll be doing a full post about Plant You soon, but so far, I'm very impressed! We also made corn on the cob, and Paul marinated bella mushrooms and asparagus in some tasty marinade that was both salty and spicy.

On Monday, Paul had to work late, but that didn't stop me from having a grill party for one. I went for a long bike ride in the afternoon, and when I got home, I fired up the grill to cook a Beyond Burger with Follow Your Heart American Cheese and some Wicked Foods Bac-no-naise.

I hope grilling season is off to a great start for you too!

1 comment:

I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.