
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

30-Day NEURO Plan, Day 2

Monday was my second day on the NEURO plan from the 30-Day Alzheimer's Solution book. You can read more about that plan here, but the basics are whole foods, no sugar, daily exercise, meditation and breathwork, restorative sleep, and brain challenges. Here's a recap of Day 2. I woke up and had some pineapple and walnuts before my 5-mile run. I've been fueling my runs with high-glycemic fruits lately, and it's been working well. 

After my run, I had a Mango Banana Protein Smoothie with almond milk, banana, mango, flax seeds, stevia, turmeric, and Complement Protein powder. Although protein powder would probably be considered a processed food, Complement makes the cleanest protein, and I feel like it's important for me to have that post-run protein.

For my morning snack, I had Strawberries, Blackberries, and Almonds (plus, green tea, which the plan recommends daily). I enjoyed this at my desk at home because we got a surprise "work from home" day on Monday while our organization figured out how to deal with Omicron. Was hoping we'd be working from home again for the long term, but we were back in the office today with some new safety protocols. Oh well. I REALLY enjoy working from home.

Lunch was another South of the Border Salad with avocado dressing. I had this on Sunday for lunch, and the recipe made plenty for leftovers. It has black beans, sweet potato, bell pepper, and corn, plus a garlicky avo dressing.

I had some more Dark Chocolate Orange Pistachio Truffles for my afternoon snack with a cup of moringa tea. You can see those in yesterday's post.

Dinner was Taco Quinoa with Steamed Kale, Pinto Beans, Baked Corn Chips, Guacamole, and Salsa. The taco quinoa recipe is from the book, and it's so yummy! You boil and then bake the quinoa so it gets a little crunchy, and it has lots of chipotle, nooch, and chili powder. The recipes in this book are so flavorful! For the chips, I just air-fried from corn tortilla wedges. 

That's it for day two! So far, I'm feeling great on this plan. I don't miss sugar at all (but I was never a daily sweets eater), and the recipes have been so tasty. I did notice that I've gravitated to mostly Mexican-inspired dishes so far, but there are many other types of dishes in the book. That's just what sounded good when I was meal planning!


  1. Good Luck with this challenge! All of the eats look good so far, too!

  2. Oh my goodness such yummy brain food! Curious to hear how you are incorporating the breathwork and meditation. Those types of things are harder for me to commit.


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