
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Lammas Eats: Part 2!

Yesterday, I blogged about what I ate on Lammas (or Lughnasadh), the traditional Gaelic harvest festival. It's typically celebrated on August 1, and that night (Sunday), I made grilled brats with potato salad and grilled corn to enjoy outdoors as the sun sank in the summer sky. But Lammas, which also stands for Loaf Mass, is traditionally celebrated with bread. So late Sunday night, I baked a loaf of beer bread to enjoy throughout the week. I used a recipe from the 2021 Sabbats Almanac, and I thought it turned out really great! It has a full can of beer, as well as fast-acting yeast, so it rose well.

On Monday morning, I enjoyed a couple slices for breakfast with some Blueberry Apricot Lavender Jam that my friend Stephanie gifted me for Lammas. This was so delicious!

And then on Monday night, I put together a little salad bar for Paul and I to enjoy for dinner (he's still eating mostly vegetarian, y'all! YAY!). Since salad bars are a thing of the past, it was nice to pretend we were at a salad bar again. 

We each had more of the Lammas bread with our salad, and I topped my slice with Trader Joe's Zhoug Sauce (a spicy cilantro sauce that is just magical).

Happy Harvest, y'all!


  1. All your Lammas food looks so yummy and celebratory. And wow that jam sounds extraordinary!

  2. Beer bread is such a good idea for lammas, I will keep this in mind for six months time.

  3. Just FYI it's zhoug, not zhuong


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