
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Potato Tacos, Kitchari, & Brown Foods!

After a long weekend with my friend Greg, who visited Memphis and stayed at my house a couple weeks back, I needed a cleanse! We ate so much takeout, and I had my fair share of beers. I just needed something tasty and wholesome, so I did a one-day kitchari cleanse! I made the Tridoshic Kitchari from Eat Feel Fresh, using the vata dosha ingredients (grounding sweet potato and greens). I had this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the Monday after our fun four-day weekend!

I made some Potato & Bean Tacos a couple Taco Tuesdays ago. I had some leftover potatoes, and they made a lovely filling sauteed with some black beans, spinach, and taco seasoning. Topped with avocado and Tofutti sour cream.

The next day, I had a Potato & Bean Burrito Bowl with the same toppings from my tacos, plus Siete Foods Cashew Queso. I love simple meals like this!

Here's a recent Spaghetti dinner with sauteed shrooms, Follow Your Heart vegan parm, and jarred spaghetti sauce. Served with a side of sauteed garlic broccoli rabe greens from my CSA.

And finally, here's a very brown bowl of food! This is not pretty at all, but this is what many of my easy meals look like. This is a grain/green/bean bowl with quinoa, chickpeas, broccoli, cauliflower, and a tahini-miso-nooch sauce!


  1. Well I think your brown food looks delicious and I am sure it was. I like to addd chopped turnips to my kitchari. It adds a nice component. Have a grand weekend.

  2. Not that I don't love bright colors, but some of my favorite meals are beige!


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