
Friday, July 31, 2020

Southern Fried Family Supper!

Since I've been working from home during the pandemic, I've been able to self-isolate for two weeks prior to visits with my parents. Since they're in the high-risk age group, I wouldn't feel comfortable going around them if I were around people. But when I plan a visit, I ask Paul to stay in Nashville for two weeks (since he's still working with people every day), and I go on one big grocery trip to get me through until after I visit my parents. I did that in May and June, so I planned a July visit for last Friday.

We have an annual tradition of one big Southern fried meal every summer, when all the summer produce is poppin'! So last Friday, my mom cooked an amazing, indulgent supper of Fried Squash, Fried Zucchini, Fried Okra, Fried Green Tomatoes, Fried Potatoes and Beans and Cornbread (plus, some fresh summer tomato slices for good measure). 

I LOVE MEALS LIKE THIS!! They don't really love me back, and I spend the rest of the day feeling sluggish and bloated, but it's totally worth it once a year. My parents have been on a keto diet lately, and they were most excited about getting to eat beans again. I can't imagine a life without beans!

We were stuffed from dinner, so we waited a few hours before treating ourselves to dessert. Mama made Peach Melba, which is a dessert I'd never heard of. It's ice cream (we used So Delicious Vanilla Bean) with fresh peaches, strawberry preserves, and coconut whip. Such a perfect, light summer treat. Light, as in texturally light! Nothing about this meal was calorie-light, and that's a-okay!

We took a family selfie!

While I was in town, my mom and I drove over to my Me-Maw's house for a quick socially distant visit on her porch. Even though I'd isolated, I still didn't want to get too close to Me-Maw because she's in her 80s. But she's in great health! Love my Me-Maw! 

Have a great weekend!!


  1. When I tried vegan keto, it really killed me to not have beans!
    peach melba sounds incredible, I might have to try that, I've been wanting to make a summery dessert!

  2. I love Peach Melba (though with non-coconut-based ice cream) , but I didn't know that it was popular in the South there! All I know is that it was created by a French chef in honour of an Australian opera singer! Traditionally it is fresh peaches and raspberry sauce with vanilla ice cream. I do enjoy the So Delicious Peach Melba cashew ice cream as well.


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