
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Why 16:8 Fasting Doesn't Work For Me

I'm in the home stretch of the No Meat Athlete 30-Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge, and I've learned a few things about myself! In this gradual weekly build to 16:8 fasting, the last week (week 4) was supposed to be dedicated to 16:8 fasting every day, except for one 12:12 fast on your long run day. Last week (week 3), we did 16:8 fasting daily with two 12:12 days thrown in.

So that means I'd done a number of 16:8 fasts (16 hours of fasting/8 hours of eating) already going into this week, and I was really not looking forward to another week of that. I'd determined the best eating window for me to avoid hunger pangs and fuel my runs was 8 am-4 pm, breaking my fast with post-workout carbs every morning at 8 am. But that meant having dinner at 3:30 pm, which falls during my work day. Eating dinner in front of a computer is not ideal for me, and I was really dreading that going into week 4. And so, on Sunday night (mid-way through my last week on this plan), I made the decision to stop 16:8 fasting. I'm not giving up! But I'm moving into a more sustainable 14:10 model of intermittent fasting.

I hate the idea of failing at anything, so I'm not looking at this as a fast fail. Instead, I'm framing this as me tuning into my own intuition around food. If I wasn't looking forward to 16:8 fasting, why do it? Besides, 14:10 and 12:12 fasting seem more sustainable for me, meaning I can probably continue some form of that after this 30-day challenge is over.

Anyway, here are a few meals I had over the past week. Last week, when I was still attempting 16:8 fasts, I had this beautiful bowl of Overnight Oats and a big pot of green tea. On that day, I had pushed my breakfast until 10:30 am so I could enjoy beers in the evening. That pot of green tea kept me from losing my mind while my tummy growled. I'm such a breakfast eater!

Another 16-hour fast breaker! Avocado Toast with fresh fruit. Just seeing the 16 hours printed on these pics from last week makes me so grateful I decided not to do that anymore.

Another problem I had with 16:8 fasting is one that a lot of people would see as a benefit. But I found it very hard to eat enough calories in 8 hours to prevent weight loss. Many people turn to IF for weight loss, and if that's your goal, go for it! I can easily see how one could lose weight on a 16:8 plan. But as a stress fracture-prone runner, I am actively trying to keep weight on. The 14:10 method makes room for a couple snacks in my day, which helps me eat enough. 

On Friday night/Saturday morning, I planned to fast for 12 hours since I had a long run planned (but I ended up sleeping in a little later before my run). Had my usual pre-run bagel. I wanted a savory spread, and I was out of hummus so I mixed tahini, miso, and nooch together to create a really yummy bagel spread.

And finally, here's my most common fast-breaker meal — White Rice with Soy Sauce & Sesame Seeds. This is my fave post-run snack for immediate carb replenishment. I usually follow this with a protein smoothie an hour or so later. This was after another 12-hour day because I decided I wanted a late-night snack of popcorn on Sunday!

After this month is over, I hope to continue 14:10 and 12:12 fasting most days. There are plenty of great longevity and chronic disease-fighting benefits of IF, even if you're not going the full 16:8!


  1. Bianca! I adore your blog and have been reading for years (first comment!) Please never stop blogging :)

    Just chiming in to say I've been intermittent fasting 16:8 for four months for inflammation and it really suited me. This week, however, I'm having some unpleasant health flares ups. Both my acupuncturist and my doctor have just told me that intermittent fasting can be harmful for women. New studies are saying IF can screw with your hormones. Stay healthy everybody!

  2. Thanks Chana!! That's so cool to hear that you've been reading for years!! I don't plan to ever stop blogging. HA!! Even if everyone stops reading, I'd probably keep on doing it because I love making a record of what I'm eating for my own amusement! :-) I've also heard that 16:8 can be especially tough on hormones for women, so I'm glad I decided not to stick with that method.

    After this 30 days, I do want to continue with 12:12 and 14:10 as much as possible (I've read those are easier on the hormones!), but I also want to be flexible and open to days of not intentionally fasting for any specific time (like some nights, I'll have popcorn and wine right before bed, and that's okay!). Hope you're feeling better from your health flare-ups.


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.