
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Some Stuff I Ate When the World Was Normal

Hey, remember last week? When we could still move about freely and high-five people with reckless abandon? It seems like a million years ago. Back then, when I was still working at work (and not at home), I picked up an Evergreen Sandwich from Curb Market in Crosstown Concourse. This has smoked tofu, avocado, hummus, and veggies on locally baked bread, and it's really just perfect. Side of corn salad.

Here's one of my all-time favorite breakfasts — Cottage Tofu on Vegemite Toast. I made cottage cheese with crumbled tofu and a little Vegenaise and served atop toast with Vegemite (which is way better than Marmite).

Since I've been trapped at home, I've been trying to eat SUUUPER healthy. It's so easy to live on junk food in times like this, so I'm trying to do the opposite. Plus, I'm running a self-supported 50K this weekend (my race was postponed), so I need to fuel properly. I'll update y'all on the "race" next week. Here's a bowl of Caribbean Coconut Collards & Sweet Potato from The No Meat Athlete Cookbook.

And finally, here's my first "working from home" lunch this week. On Monday for lunch, I had a Burrito Bowl with brown rice, kale, pintos, Daiya cheese, salsa, and homemade yogurt. I made the yogurt in my Instant Pot!


  1. It's crazy how just one week ago it was semi normal! Last Thursday I had a job interview, in person and I even shook someone's hand, not elbow!!!
    I can't wait to hear about your "race"!! Super inspiring that you're doing it anyway!!!

  2. Oh yes... the world... when we could eat out and sit at tables in busy restaurants... that was a time that was. Good times. I still have so many eating out blog posts to share about places, I hope that by the time I get to the end of blogging them it is safe to go back out to them again! We have a number of places going take out only here as well, which I am hoping to be able to support.

  3. Oh, also, heck yes Vegemite love! The best mite! I have never had it with cottage cheese, new thing to try!

  4. Do you thicken the homemade yogurt at all? I've tried making soy yogurt, and it's always too thin. I know that some people add cornstarch or other thickeners. Yours looks good!

  5. Hi Lisa! I'm just starting to experiment with homemade yogurt! So far, I haven't used a thickener, and it is a little thinner than what I'd buy in the store. But I don't mind it so much.


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