
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Health Made Simple for Athlete's, Day 8

Monday was the start of my second week on the 4-week Health Made Simple plan from No Meat Athlete! According to this whole foods, plant-based meal plan, I was supposed to have a smoothie for breakfast (as well as pre- and post-workout snacks), but Monday is my one rest day from working out so I swapped out Sunday's breakfast on the plan and slept in until 6 am! That was a big plate of Tofu Scramble with spinach and onions. Plus, a side of whole wheat toast with Lantana cauliflower hummus.

I ate a half-pound of tofu, so I was pretty satisfied through my usual 10:30 am snack time, but by 11 am, I broke out my planned desk snack — Trail Mix with cashews, almonds, and cranberries.

Lunch was more Black Bean, Rice, & Veggie Burritos with kale, mushrooms, brown rice, avocado, tomato, and salsa in whole wheat wraps. The ww wraps were smaller than the average burrito size (WHY IS IT SO HARD TO FIND LARGE WHOLE WHEAT WRAPS???), so I had two burritos! Enjoyed on my lunch break while reading the paper. I'm going to try to take real lunch breaks at work as often as I can. Sometimes, I work through lunch, and that's just not a good habit.

Afternoon snack was another Fruit Bowl with flax! Strawberries, blueberries, and nectarines.

For dinner, I got to try a recipe in my new Instant Pot! The Lentil Soup recipe on the Health Made Simple plan included both stovetop and pressure cooker directions, so I was excited to try my new gadget! So far, I'd only used it for cooking rice (I'm making a LOT of rice on this plan!). The soup turned out really, really well. It has lentil, quinoa, spinach, and tomato. 

After dinner, I had a Crosstown CDC board meeting at Midtown Crossing, so I treated myself to a nice Crosstown Brewing Co. Traffic IPA. Nothing like a good beer to celebrate a day of great food!


  1. It is impossible to find big ww wraps, I totally agree! But the benefit of having two is you can make each a little different!
    I do love the idea of making soup in an instant pot. If I could pick any newish kitchen gadget, it would probably be an instantpot!

  2. Who is making these whole wheat wraps?! I am constantly finding ones that are too big for tacos but too small for wraps. I know Wegman's have burrito sized wraps, but for a long time they weren't vegan because of fish oil. BUT NOW THEY ARE VEGAN! So I am pumped about that.


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