
Friday, January 10, 2020

Health Made Simple for Athlete's, Day 4

On Thursday morning, I slept past my alarm again!! I don't know what is happening, but clearly, my iPhone alarm isn't loud enough to wake me anymore. I've been taking CBD oil to help me get more deep sleep, and I fear it's working too well. Anyway, I had to move Thursday's planned 4-mile run to the evening. I'm doing this No Meat Athlete Health Made Simple plan for athletes, and the breakfast was another Blueberry Peach Smoothie. I didn't take a picture this time because it's the same smoothie I had on Tuesday (two smoothies rotate each week on the plan).

I had a TV appearance scheduled for work Thursday morning on the Local 24 morning show. We're celebrating Veganuary at Crosstown Concourse, where I work as the communications coordinator, so I brought lots of vegan dishes to show off. I even got a chance to talk about the environmental and health benefits of veganism! You can check that out here.

After my TV thing, I headed to the office and had a morning snack of Baked Corn Chips with Salsa. For the chips, I just baked corn tortillas in the air fryer with a just a spritz of oil for about 8 minutes (on 350). It's impossible to find baked corn chips for sale around here anymore (Anyone remember Guiltless Gourmet? What happened to those?), but they're super-easy to make at home.

Lunch was leftover Roasted Pesto Veggies over a baked potato (pictured in yesterday's post).

My fruit bowl on Thursday featured blackberries, pineapple, and strawberries with flax seed.

Dinner was SUPER yummy! This Simple Red Lentil & Rice recipe has a hint of Indian spice with cumin seed, red pepper flakes, and fresh garlic. It's loaded with spinach and topped with hot sauce, cilantro, and lemon juice. I served the lentils over brown rice prepared in my new Instant Pot! The rice came out perfectly!!


  1. You're totally right, I never see guiltless gourmet anymore, I remember those!
    You did so great on T.V.!! I would be a nervous, blumbering mess, but you were so well spoken and composed!

  2. It was so fun watching you in your TV segment! You are so eloquent!

  3. It was fun to watch your TV spot. Great job!

  4. Great TV spot!

    Also, I have one of those alarm clocks that slowly lights up the room beginning about 30 minutes before my alarm. It helps me to wake more naturally... maybe one of those would work for you?

  5. You were awesome on TV! I would have been giggling with that lady's "ooh yaaaas"es and "YUMMMM"s. Golly, girl! Haha.


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