
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Vegan Mac + Fried Tofu + WFPB Breakfast!

Here are a few meals I've been eating lately! As you may know, I'm doing 80/20 Plants (a whole food, plant-based program that encourages you to eat at least 80% WFPB, and the 20% can be whatever else you want). So most days, my breakfast, snacks, and lunch are oil-free and made with whole foods, and then my dinners may look like this Daiya Mac with Collards. Made with whole wheat pasta and Daiya cheezy sauce.

One day last week, I had plans to meet former Memphis Flyer co-workers for lunch at Phuong Long, a Crosstown Vietnamese place. I went with the healthiest option I could find, which was still loaded with fried tofu. But at least this Stir-Fry Veggies with Tofu had lots of veggies. To keep with 80/20 Plants, I had a big salad for dinner.

Here's a recent 80/20 Plants breakfast — Sprouted Grain English Muffin with homemade nut butter and mashed berries.

The best part about this plan is that I have wiggle room for a dessert when I want (there's my 20%!). A couple Saturdays ago, that treat was a Pear Muscadine Muffin from Lulu's booth at the CY Farmers Market.

And finally, here's an amazing WFPB breakfast that I made using recipes from 80/20 Plants. Tofu Scramble & Roasted Potatoes. The potatoes only have a teaspoon of oil, and the scramble is seasoned with nooch and hummus (yes hummus!). Perfect with avo and tomato on the side. Really loving how I feel on this plan. I had this for a big ole weekend brunch!

1 comment:

  1. The mac and cheeses and collards looks so good! I haven't had good collards in awhile, I need to make some soon!!!
    Your tofu scramble breakfast looks insanely good too! I can see why you feel great eating this way!!


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