
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Stuff I Ate + Things I Drank From

Last Saturday was my last run-free Saturday for awhile since I started a new base-building plan for the 50K this week. My official 50K training won't start until Oct. 6, but I'm getting my base miles up to get ready. And that means running every Saturday and Sunday for the foreseeable future. I'm hoping to run the Big Buffalo 50K in Memphis this March! Setting my sights on a new goal.

Anyway, I slept in last Saturday one last time! When I woke up, I made the Easy and Awesome Tofu Scramble from 80/20 Plants. This scramble has onions and spinach, plus lots of spices. I ate a whole half-package of tofu's worth with some toast spread with coconut butter (my new favorite healthier sub for vegan margarine).

I mentioned last week that the cafe at Crosstown Arts, where I work, stopped serving lunch and dinner. But they're still open for coffee and pastries, so I'm planning to treat myself at least once a week. Last Thursday, I got this yummy Oatmeal Raisin Bread Bar.

Now for some fun glassware! My friend Brandy came over Saturday night for our Mabon celebration, and she gifted me an early birthday gift. Love this! RBG FOREVER.

And finally, last night, I enjoyed a Hi-Wire IPA in my favorite Memphis AF pint glass while watching the premiere of Bluff City Law, the new courtroom drama on NBC that was filmed in Memphis!

Memphis doesn't get many film and TV crews due to Tennessee's lack of great incentives for filmmakers. So when it does happen, we get pretty excited! Very cool to see Memphis scenery peppered throughout the scenes.


  1. I've never used coconut butter, but I like coconut oil as a sub for vegan butter. I'll have to look out for coconut butter.

  2. I've been thinking about watching Bluff City on Hulu. What do you think of it so far?


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