
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

80/20 Plants Lunch Week 1

For the past couple weeks, I've been following a test version of 80/20 Plants, a soon-to-be-released program designed to help people eat more whole food, plant-based meals. It includes recipes, health coaching, videos, and more. And it slowly eases you into the WFPB life, starting by only changing breakfasts in week one, adding WFPB snacks in week two, and focusing on WFPB lunches in weeks three and four.

The goal is to get you eating WFPB 80% of the time, saving the other 20% for processed treats, plant meals, desserts, and other indulgent meals. Once you're eating WFPB breakfast, snacks, and lunch, you're pretty much at 80/20 (assuming your dinners are whatever you want).

The first lunch week started Monday. I've been focusing on salads this week since they're easy to pack for desk lunches. I did a lot of meal prep on Sunday and made two oil-free salad dressings and some Dijon Potato Salad.

The potato salad recipe was included with 80/20 Plants. I had some today for lunch with added chickpeas (for protein) and broccoli/cauliflower microgreens (locally grown from Rolling Along Farms). The salad has a dijon base and includes capers, celery, and cucumbers. It's oil-free and vegan mayo-free and, yet, still really yummy!

Yesterday, I used the oil-free Goddess Dressing I made (also an 80/20 Plants recipe) for a salad in a jar. I had jury duty yesterday (they let me go today), so I packed this in my bag.

And I enjoyed it at Fourth Bluff park for lunch. I packed my own bowl and fork too! I also made some Maple Balsamic Dressing for salads later this week.

My dinners are still whatever I want, so I've been enjoying restaurant meals and fun things like Daiya mac & cheese. I like this way of eating. Makes me feel really healthy, and I still get to eat the fun stuff.


  1. I'm really enjoying hearing about the 80/20 plan. That makes sense to me. Like you, I love plant-based meats & cheeses, and I have no intention of dropping those things. But planning them intentionally as a part of one meal seems doable.

  2. That potato salad sounds great! All the food looks great!
    I agree, this plan definitely seems sustainable. Life is all about balance!


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