
Monday, July 15, 2019

Bread! Tofu! More Bread!

I went to the Cooper-Young Farmers Market last Saturday with the intention of picking up a Lulu's Baked black-eyed pea & sausage biscuit cause they're awesome. But then I laid eyes on this beauty — Broiche with Beet Prosciutto, Jalapenos & Cashew Cream Cheese. So this was my breakfast! I took it home and slowly enjoyed every bite. This was probably the best thing I've ever had from Lulu's, and that's saying a lot because everything from Lulu's is amazing. The brioche was soooo soft and perfect.

Speaking of Lulu's, I picked up some Tomato Focaccia from them a couple weeks ago at the downtown farmer's market. I didn't have any immediate plans for it though, so I stuck it in the freezer. Last week, I thawed it out and used it for some Cashew Cheese & Veggie Sandwiches made with herb-garlic Treeline cashew cheese, cucumbers, tomato, lettuce, carrot, roasted red pepper, and kalamata olives.

I had some leftover Daiya American slices after 4th of July, and you know what that means! Grilled Cheese!! Served with some Plantain Chips with Salsa and Guacamole. I've recently discovered Herdez salsa, and I will NEVER GO BACK to any other salsa. This jarred salsa tastes like the fresh stuff from a Mexican restaurant. And it's cheap!

Last Friday, my co-workers and I went to Phuong Long for lunch. This neighborhood Vietnamese restaurant is home one of the best tofu dishes in Memphis — Jalapeno Salt Tofu. This dry fried tofu dish is so full of flavor. The jalapenos tend to be super hot (hotter than the kind I typically find in the store), so I usually only eat a couple of those. But I eat all my tofu!

1 comment:

  1. You had me at the first bread, ha! It all looks so good, I need a grilled cheese in my life right about now. The cashew cheese and veggie sandwich looks incredible as well.


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