
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Review: Kumana Avocado Sauce

Avocado is my favorite fruit — by a very long shot. I've never really been much of a fruit-eater until recently when I started drinking daily smoothies and eating fresh fruit for afternoon snacks. But I don't crave fruit; I eat it because it's good for me. Avocado is the exception there. I CRAVE that creamy, fatty goodness. Probably because it's not sweet and is best enjoyed mashed on toast with sea salt or as the base of a guacamole.

I would put avocado on EVERYTHING if I could. But because it turns brown so quickly, it's not terribly convenient or affordable to open an avocado to top every meal. Enter Kumano Foods Avocado Sauce. 

Kumano sent me three bottles to review — Be Original, Be Hot, and Be Mango. This creamy, tangy sauce, which was inspired by a traditional Venezuelan avocado sauce, is made with avocados, onion, cilantro, garlic, and a splash of white vinegar. The original is just that, but the mango has a slight hint of sweet mango. The Be Hot (my personal fave) gets a touch of heat — but just a touch — from habanero.

I've been using this sauce in place of my usual srircaha, and I've found it to be the perfect topper to any meal. Below is a quinoa stir-fry that I topped with Be Mango sauce, but it's also great on pizza, tacos, soups and stews, even tofu scramble! Seriously, any savory dish can benefit from this!

You can see a list of retail shops that carry Kumana sauce here, or you can purchase online at here.


  1. I love avocado too. And I agree, I would use it on everything but I can't handle the brown.
    The be hot and be mango sound right up my alley! The color reminds me of my beloved green dragon sauce!

  2. How fun! This sounds like something I would enjoy too. It brings together two of my favorite things - avocado & hot sauce.


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