
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Whole Foods & Bread Foods

This post of random meals is a pretty accurate representation of how I'm eating these days — plenty of healthy, whole foods with some decadent breads and treats mixed in. We'll start with this image of a very healthy meal that I made last week — Sauteed Swiss Chard & Chickpeas Over Creamy Grits.

Technically, I used plain ole cornmeal instead of grits because that's what I had. But the only difference is how finely the grain is milled. Cornmeal makes for lovely grits replacement. The Swiss . chard and chickpeas were sauteed with onion, garlic, salt and pepper, and a little bit lemon juice. Simple and delicious.

On Friday night, my friend Megan came over to celebrate the pagan holiday of Imbolc — the midway point between winter and spring. Traditionally, seeded foods were eaten as a symbol of the Earth's fertility. So we made seeded bread! It was a fun activity to do together. We took turns mixing (but she pretty much handled the kneading. I hate kneading!). Very good bread!

The next morning, I stopped by the Lulu's Baked booth at the Cooper-Young Farmers Market for a Morning Bun (and not pictured because I ate it, Snickerdoorle!). Don's vegan morning buns are like a cross between a cinnamon roll and a croissant.

Here's a bowl of Oats with Nectarines & Blueberries that I had for breakfast yesterday. I've had smoothies for breakfast pretty much daily since October, and I'm getting a little bored with it. So I'll be doing oats for awhile (with smoothies mixed in when I'm pressed for time).

And finally, here's a Baked Potato with Chili (made with Beyond beef and beans) & Nooch. Paul and I had this for dinner last night. I put the potatoes in the Crock Pot and let them bake all day. Crock Pot potatoes are the best! Just wrap with foil and put them in the Crock Pot on low for 8 hours.


  1. I adore stuffed baked potatoes! As a kid my mom cooked dinner for the family and we ate together basically every single night (which looking back is crazy impressive!) and i swear my favorite was the rare occasion we had stuffed baked potatoes for dinner with a side salad. They’re so comforting!
    I can’t believe you had daily smoothies for so long- those oats looks fantastic.
    I love grits and yet rarely make them- what’s your recipe to make them nice and creamy? Is the canister of quaker oats grits five minute or old fashioned a good one..?

  2. OMG yum, what delicious meals! The swiss chard and chickpea bowl sounds so so delicious. I love chard but for some reason can't really find it near me. I'll have to try some new stores because that looks delicious. Nothing beats homemade bread and that morning bun looks like perfection! Oats are such a comforting breakfast, I can't imagine having a smoothie right now!

  3. A cross between a cinnamon roll and a croissant? Yes please!! I have tried to make grits and polenta so many times and I always fail. I just don't have the gravy or the polenta making gene!!
    I absolutely LOVE stuffed baked potatoes! Crock Pot baked potatoes sound awesome. Then they're ready for you when you get home!!

  4. Ttrockwood, I typically make my grits the old-fashioned way — cooked long and slow for about 30 minutes. I've not tried the instant ones, but I bet they're much faster! The key is just a very, very low temperature, otherwise they cook up too fast.

  5. Technically grits are treated with lime so they supposedly have a slightly different taste and are suppose to have more vitamins available for the body to absorb. Although, I don't know if major companies still do this. I need to buy some grits though, since they are easier to cook than cornmeal.


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