
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Ramen & Cauliflower & Weird Meals

This random meal round-up is brought to you by weird cravings, terrible lighting, and rushed lunches. You're welcome. :-)

I'll start with this delicious bowl of Vegetable Lemongrass Ramen at Atomic Tiki, a tiki bar in my neighborhood. They used to have more vegan options on the menu, but they've changed the menu again. There are only a couple of vegan items left, including this delicious bowl (which you have to order sans egg to be vegan). But I've been told by the owner, who is awesome, that they can pretty much make anything vegan by subbing out tofu for meat.

Sweet score at Target! Sweet Earth Cauliflower Mac! This frozen meal combines vegan cheese sauce with pasta and cauliflower. It's really good. Made a great desk lunch with a side salad.

Terribly lit photo of a really tasty Black Bean & Sweet Potato Quesadilla on a sprouted grain wrap, topped with salsa, served with a side of roasted veggies (cabbage, onion, carrot, potato, squash).

Rushed photo (because I was hangry) of a Smoked Tofu Veggie Wrap with Air-fried Kale Chips. My dad got a smoker, and now he's keeping me stocked in smoked tofu. YES! I had some of that smoked tofu here in a whole wheat wrap with cucumber, carrot, green olive, lettuce, and hummus. 

Another desk lunch! I made these Red Bean & Brown Rice Burgers (using the No Meat Athlete veggie burger formula) a couple weeks ago and froze the leftovers. Had one last week with leftover roasted veggies. 

And finally — here's a plate that satisfied all my weird cravings for spicy, salty, and fried. I made my dad's Air-fried Buffalo Cauliflower (the best!) with cashew ranch and served with Air-fried French Fries (the Alexia kind from a bag) with BBQ sauce and Steamed Kale. 


  1. I get excited when i see new vegan foods like that cauliflower mac! So awesome there is such a thing- and at target!!
    That quesadilla sounds amazing to me, i have been craving one but I rarely make them and don’t keep vegan cheese on hand, this combo sounds like a good one!
    Very envious of your supply of smoked tofu, that’s so awesome your dad makes it regularly :))

  2. I agree, I am so jealous of having a steady supply of smoked tofu!! All of your meals look amazing!!

  3. Yuuuuum, those meals look amazing!! I have been craving ramen lately, I really need to get some in my life. The quesadilla looks amazing and I've seen the cauliflower mac but have been afraid to try it. Maybe I'll have to give it a try! I seriously love how awesome your parents are about cooking amazon vegan foods and being so open minded and amazing in general!

  4. LOL!!!!

    I just posted the Sweet Earth Cauliflower Mac the other day!
    I thought it needed more cheesy sauce but other than that it was pretty good!
    Just wish it was cheaper where I found it!

  5. Those meals look amazing, not at all weird! I love the little snacky sauce plate, that sort of eating is so much fun.


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