
Monday, November 26, 2018

My 14-Year Veganaversary/Black Friday!

I've been vegan for 14 years and vegetarian for 24 years as of Friday! Or at least that's the day I celebrate. I went vegetarian on the day after Thanksgiving in 1994 and vegan on the day after in 2004. Of course Thanksgiving's date changes each year, so technically, it's probably another day. But celebrating on Black Friday makes it easier to remember.

Since I needed a bit of a "detox" after Thanksgiving Day (I know that's a not real thing based in science, but you know what I mean!), I started my Black Friday with — you guessed it! — a smoothie. The 8-week Health Made Simple meal plan is behind me, but that doesn't mean I'm off the smoothie train. This one had strawberries, banana, spinach, and walnuts.

Every year since, like, forever, my mom and I have gone to Black Friday brunch at Brother Juniper's, followed by holiday shopping. And this year was no different. Nothing beats this meal of Fahim's Special Tofu Scramble, Home Fries, & Toast with Jam for a veganaversary brunch!

Note: Fahim's Special (a scramble with portabella mushrooms and roasted red peppers) is no longer on Brother Juniper's menu, but they're happy to make it by request. The dish was served with kalamata olives back in the day, and Bro. Juniper's stopped carrying those olives. So we bring our own and add them in!

After brunch, we hit up the Carriage Crossing Mall for some holiday shopping and then on to the Harley-Davidson for more shopping (my parents are badass bikers).

By the time we finished shopping, I was pretty hungry. But it was too early for dinner, so I had a slice of leftover Apple Pie with Vegan Coconut Whip (by Reddi Whip). Gotta love the day after Thanksgiving!

My mama sent me home with LOTS of Thanksgiving leftovers this year, so when it finally was time for dinner, I made a hearty plate of Field Roast with Cornbread Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Broccoli-Rice-Cheeze Casserole, and a Side Salad.

I enjoyed leftovers all weekend actually (and still have some casseroles left), but I made sure to balance those indulgent meals with salads and smoothies daily. Feeling pretty awesome!!


  1. Happy veganversary! I love your tradition to celebrate.
    I think you are very brave for going shopping on such a day/

  2. Happy Veganversary!! I agree with Susan, you are very, very brave to go shopping on black Friday!!

  3. Happy Veganversary! 14 years is incredible! I know you've inspired SO MANY PEOPLE and that is amazing :)

  4. Your mom sure is pretty!

  5. Happy anniversary!! I lost track of how many years i’ve been veg- i’ve been a lactose intolerant vegetarian who hates eggs for decades now ;))
    I love that you have a brunch tradition!! Looks crazy amazing.
    And you’re all crazy to shop on black friday! Definitely pie worthy to survive that

  6. Happy veganversary! I always envy people who have a solid date, since I spent year waffling between vegan, almost vegan, and then back to vegan. Your thanksgiving spread looks awesome!


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