
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Health Made Simple, Day 45

Wednesday went as most Wednesdays go! Except with SNOW!!! It never, ever snows in Memphis in November and not much all winter. But yesterday, we had our first snowfall! Naturally, there was excitement in the air all day. 

But before the flakes fell, I had a chance to scarf down a cashew cookie Larabar and take my usual Wednesday morning spinning class at the Y, followed by my favorite Health Made Simple post-workout snack — white rice! And then I had my breakfast of a Green Cherry Smoothie with banana, cherries, spinach, and flax.

Morning snack was fruit (the last of the cantaloupe with plum slices). And lunch was that Cowboy Chili I'd left in the office fridge the day before. This is a Health Made Simple recipe from last week that I froze in portions — kidney beans, hominy, purple hull peas, and collards. Topped with avocado!

I skipped my afternoon snack because my post-work plans were cancelled. Because SNOW! I'd planned to leave work at 5 and then come back at 6 to watch our Crosstown Youth Theater kids perform, but their play was moved up to early afternoon to beat the snow. When I left the office around 5:30 pm, this is what I found on my car. 

It didn't snow much more than that, but it was still pretty cool. And the whole city shuts down at the first flurry, so I knew it was best to stay home after work and get cozy in my PJs. I enjoyed this warming meal of leftover Baked Potato with Roasted Veggies and Pesto, plus a salad with hemp-cashew Italian dressing.

And then at the end of the night, I made another warming cup of hot chocolate with coconut whip (but this time, I spiked it with a little vegan vanilla almondmilk liqueur — full review of that coming soon!).

I'll check back in early next week with the last Health Made Simple weekend recap!


  1. I can't believe it snowed so early!! It seems in so many places winter is coming early!! BOOOOOOOO!
    I can't wait to read your final thoughts. It really seems like you've ha delicious food and you feel a lot better!

  2. Have you tried Inka/Inca Tea? I'd never heard of it, then tried it at a nearby veg restaurant in latte form. It's so good! I had to get some for home. Your hot chocolate reminded me of it.

  3. We had our first snow yesterday! We got a few inches and it was a mess but your flurry is so pretty! Your food looks so delicious as always!

  4. I was traveling from philly to nyc in the snow yesterday and we got a lot more... yours is so pretty! Seriously everything stops functioning when it snows here too.
    I love baked potato meals like that! And spiked hot chocolate sounds amazing.....


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