
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Emmy's Organics Coconut Cookies

Emmy's Organics sent me a few packages of their Organic Coconut Cookies to review! I've had a couple flavors before in past Goddess Provisions boxes, so I was excited to try more flavors.

These are essentially raw coconut macaroons, and they're made with just a few ingredients — coconut, agave, almond flour, and natural flavors. And every ingredient is organic and gluten-free and, of course, vegan!

They sent me Peanut Butter, Lemon Ginger, Dark Cacao, and Vanilla Bean. 

Of course Peanut Butter is my fave. These taste like a healthier version of Chick-o-Sticks! My next fave would be the Lemon Ginger, which has a very pronounced lemon flavor with just a hint of ginger. The vanilla bean and dark cacao are great too!

Since these are around 100 calories each, they make perfect little snacks before my 5:30 am shorter morning runs. I take in more calories for a longer run of course, but for anything less than 3 miles, about a 100 calorie snack is all I need.

Of course, they also make perfect little afternoon dessert pick-me-ups! And it's a dessert you can feel totally great about!


  1. My gosh i have loved these for years! I’m not usually a vanilla girl but somehow the vanilla is my favorite i have tried. I need to find the peanut butter, haven’t had those yet and i know i would love them.
    How awesome they sent you some! They’re a bit expensive here so i wait til they’re on sale

  2. Oooh I love these coconut cookies! I think I've only had the mint chocolate and vanilla but lemon sounds so refreshing and delicious! I definitely want to try that flavor next!


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