
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Reclaim & Revolt, Days 19-21

We're at the end of Week 3 on Reclaim & Revolt! And I'm learning to trust my intuition around food and just be okay with eating things that aren't perfect or "on the plan" (not that there's a meal plan with this radical January wellness program, but I tend to set rigid rules each January that make me a little crazy).

Friday morning started with a Cherry Pie Larabar and a bootcamp class at my gym, and then I had this creamy Pumpkin Chia Pudding that I'd mixed together the night before. It was made with pumpkin puree and almond milk and sweetened with maple syrup.

For my morning snack, I had half of the last slice of Vegan Kale Quiche (all mushed up in a Pyrex bowl) and some of the homemade kraut I started on my snow day last week. It's good! My first taste of homemade kraut.

I also had a few Nikki's Cool Chips and Hot Nuts, which were being sampled at Curb Market downstairs from my office. Nikki's is a local food company that makes hot (and a non-hot version) chips, vegan bloody mary mix, and they're releasing a line of spicy nuts soon. Chips seemed a little decadent for the this whole foods-based thing I'm doing right now, but I'm being flexible. And they were good!

My lunch was extra-special. My co-workers and I got to sample some possible menu items for the plant-based cafe opening at Crosstown Arts, where I work. Yep, that's right! The contemporary arts center where I work will have it's own plant-based cafe! Lucky me! Anyway, I didn't take pictures since the items were testers. But I can say they were whole foods-based and super-healthy.

I had another Potato Black Bean Bowl with Chipotle Tahini Sauce for dinner, and then Paul and I headed back to Crosstown Arts for an art opening for artist/filmmaker William E. Jones. I had a Straight to Hell cocktail (champagne, mint, elderflower liqueur) and a couple small glasses of red wine. And then we headed to bed super-early for a Friday night — 10 pm!

On Saturday morning, I woke up early and had some more Pumpkin Chia Pudding before heading off to bootcamp at my gym again. After my class, I had a No Cow Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bar. Look at the ground! Melted snow! We awoke to 50 degree temps today, and all the snow melted. YAY!

Then I stopped by the Cooper-Young Farmer's Market (in the parking lot of First Congo Church) and the Women's March Rally (inside First Congo). I marched last year, so it was cool to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Resistance!

When I finally made it home, it was time for lunch. I heated up some leftovers — Roasted Potatoes and Veggie Chili with Cashew Cheese. The potatoes were from my potato black bean bowl, and the chili was from Monday night. They made a great meal together!

While I cleaned my house Saturday afternoon, I snacked on an Apple with Chocolate Peanut Butter (made from Chocolate PB2).

Then I made my meal plan for next week and went on my last grocery trip on Reclaim & Revolt. I've been buying groceries weekly during this month because I'm eating so many more veggies than usual. I'll miss R&R, but my wallet will be glad to not spend as much on produce next month. 

When I returned home, I made a Tempeh Bacon & Green Veggie Bowl using all the green veggies in my fridge left from last week (to make room for the new stuff). There was quinoa, kale, cabbage, green beans, mushrooms, garlic, and some sunflower sprouts I picked up at the farmer's market Saturday morning. Plus, tempeh bacon made from one of Lacy's recipes. The sauce was tahini, nooch, Bragg's, garlic powder, and a little water to thin it out.

After dinner, we went out to Zebra Lounge and Canvas for a couple beers. I had my first trail race in the morning, so I knew, if I was going to drink, I needed to stick to beer to avoid feeling crappy in the morning. Plus carbs!

I woke up on Sunday morning and made a yummy pre-run bowl of Oats with Sunbutter, Brown Rice Syrup, Blueberry, and Banana. A lot of carbs, a little fat to give me fuel and stick with me until after my race.

About an hour before my race, I had a quick snack of a Brown Rice Cake with Garlic Hummus. More carbs!

Then it was off to Overton Park for the run. Today's race was supposed to be last weekend, but it was called off because the trails were covered in ice. Today, it was almost 70 degrees! Perfect running weather and kinda crazy for January (but not uncommon in Memphis). This is one of four trail races in the Memphis Runners Track Club Winter Off-Road Series, and I signed up for all four. They get longer each time, but today's race was only a 3K (1.8 miles). It was fun! The trail was super-muddy, so I'm glad I wore old shoes. Excited to run more of these! Today's 3K was in my own neighborhood, just a few blocks from my house on trails that I've practiced on plenty. But the other races will be on new-to-me trail.

I'm also training for a March half-marathon and an April marathon, so I still had to get a long run in today. After my race, I ran 6.2 more miles for a total of 8 miles. I stashed a No Cow Carrot Cake Protein Bar in my car and enjoyed that after the whole run was done.

But I was really hungry for some real food and veggies! I drove the few blocks home, took a shower, and got to work on dinner — Hasselback Japanese Yam, Steamed Broccoli, and Lentils (all covered in nooch and tahini). 

This was one of Lacy's recipes from last year's Reset & Restore, and I loved it so much that I knew I wanted to eat it again on Reclaim & Revolt. This carb-heavy meal was just what I needed. After dinner, I had some Dr. Brew booch and did a little meal prep, and now I'm calling it a night. See y'all tomorrow!


  1. So much tahini! Clearly there's a lot of Lacy recipes. That short race looks like fun, no huge pressure since it is so short.

  2. Shout out from a longtime Vegan in Johnson City TN. Love your blog.

  3. That final bowl sounds 100% right up my alley, nooch and tahini and lentils and broccoli and potato, I am getting hungry even thinking about it.

  4. Japanese yams are so good! I feel like they are a more creamy texture than a regular orange color yam, and the skin is so tasty when roasted!
    Great that you had such nice weather for your race day- and crazy what a difference in just one week


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