
Sunday, December 3, 2017

Marathon Road Map Meal Plan, Day Before the Race!

I survived the St. Jude Memphis Marathon again! It was my second year running the full St. Jude marathon, and my third total 26.2 (I ran the Little Rock Marathon last March). I'll post a full race recap tomorrow, but I want to devote this post to what I ate the day before the big race.

For the two weeks prior to the race, I followed the No Meat Athlete Marathon Road Map meal plan, which is included in the road map race training plan. It was a whole foods-based, carb-heavy plan with very little sugar and only sprouted grain bread (no white stuff). I felt great over the past couple weeks on the plan, and because I didn't set any real restrictions on myself, I was still free to go off plan when I wanted to (and I did a few times!). Before most races, I pay extra close attention to what I eat the day before, and this was no exception. Fortunately, the meal plan was not far off from how I typically eat before a race.

It started with yet another smoothie (and no run or workout, so I could rest my legs!). This was a Blueberry Acai Smoothie with frozen banana and bloobs, plus acai powder, flax seeds, wheatgrass powder, almond-cashew milk, and natural Vega One protein powder. Delicious, but I am getting a little tired of smoothies EVERY DAY. I'm glad this meal plan is over so I can go back to having them a couple times a week.

Morning snack at my desk was a Banana with Almond Butter. Carbs, fat, potassium. 

Dave from Dave's Bagels (the awesomest local, handcrafted bagels!) was doing a sampling event at Curb Market, the grocery store in my office building, that morning, and though I was trying to avoid white bread, I couldn't pass up a hot bagel. Dave gave me a half-size Apple Cinnamon Bagel, and I split it with a co-worker. Worth it. And more carbs couldn't hurt!

Lunch was leftovers from the night before — Sweet Potato & Tofu Curry with Bok Choy & Brown Rice. Such a great meal! More carbs! Plus protein and healthy cruciferous veggies!

Afternoon snack on the meal plan was always a salad, and this time, I had a simple salad with crunchy sprouts,  brown rice, beets, bell pepper, carrot, and the last of my Classic French Vinaigrette from the No Meat Athlete Cookbook.

Dinner on the plan was actually the same thing I chose to make before my last half-marathon (the Great American River Run back in May). It's Pasta with Pesto, Potatoes, & Green Beans from the No Meat Athlete book (not the cookbook, the first book — it's mostly an informative book, but there are a few recipes). This is whole wheat penne with boiled potatoes and green beans, and those are tossed with a homemade spinach pesto. It was supposed to be basil pesto, but Kroger was out of basil. I think I like spinach pesto better anyway because it has a milder flavor. Nothing beats pasta for carb-loading for a race!

After dinner, Paul and I went to the St. Jude Marathon expo to pick up his race bib. He was running the 5K, and I was doing the full marathon (but I picked my bib up the night before). We walked around the expo a bit and got some pics. 

I always try to turn in SUPER early the night before a race to ensure I get lots of sleep. And my one ritual night-before beer helps with that. It calms my nerves. I chose a Good People Pale Ale, the perfect end to my night. I was in bed by 9 pm!

I'll be back tomorrow with a race recap!


  1. You made it! Congratulations to you and Paul! I can't wait to see your meals post plan!!

  2. Great eats!!! And finds! Congrats on reaching your goal(s)!!!!
    I have a confession to make. I'm not a good blogging buddy. Your book has been on my wishlist for YEARS! I just finally ordered it on Jet last week and I can't wait for it to arrive!!! I will be blogging about it as soon as I have it in hand! Sorry it took me so long to get it!


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.