
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Feast!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! Mostly because of my mama's dressin' and hash brown casserole but also just because I love to eat all the things. Gluttony is totally my jam, so I like to work up an appetite on Thanksgiving morning with a nice run.

For the past couple years, Misti and I have been running with a group of folks in Paragould, a small town just outside my parents' hometown. It's an unofficial Turkey Trot that meets outside Greene County Primary School. The full group does 10 miles, but some choose to do less. My No Meat Athlete Marathon training plan called for a 5-mile tempo run today, so Misti, her daughter Melani, Paul, and I just did 5 miles. It was so cold this morning — 30 degrees! — but we made it.

Post-run, Paul and I both had protein smoothies with chocolate hemp protein, banana, chia seed, and soymilk. Those held us over until noon when it was time for my mama's Thanksgiving lunch!

Here's my plate. I've been eating so healthily over the past few days on my No Meat Athlete meal plan, and it was fun to pile my plate full of plant meat and vegan cheesy, buttery casseroles.

We have a small family, so it was just my parents, Me-Maw, Granny, and me and Paul.

Here's a close-up of everything. I opted for a Tofurky Roast this year. I'd planned on getting those individual Gardein turk'y cutlets (because I didn't want a ton of leftovers), but I couldn't find them anywhere. And Sprouts had Tofurky on sale, so there ya go. Honestly, I do think Tofurky really is the best plant turkey out there, taste-wise and texture-wise.

And here are the stars of the show — Mama's Cornbread Dressin' and Hash Brown Casserole. She makes vegan versions (for me!) and non-vegan versions for everyone else. I have a lot left over that I can freeze for later!

She also made a Vegan Broccoli Cheese & Rice Casserole with the new Daiya cheese sauce packets. She didn't do a non-vegan version of this, so everyone ate it (and it was actually Paul's fave -- even though he claims he doesn't like vegan cheese).

Of course, there was homemade Cranberry Sauce.

And Green Beans.

And Corn.

Mama always makes some sort of salad, and this year, that was a Coleslaw made with olive oil and a little sugar and salt.

Mama said she thought she put too much Earth Balance on the Dinner Rolls. I told her there's no such thing as "too much Earth Balance."

She usually makes some sort of pie for dessert, but this year, Mama already had a non-vegan turtle cheesecake in the freezer that she wanted to serve. So I picked up a Daiya Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake, and she made me a pecan praline caramel topping for it. Mmmm mmmm, y'all. This was a tasty vegan cheesecake!

Paul and I drove back to Memphis in the afternoon. Once we were unpacked, we put up the holiday tree and decorations while we sipped on Cranberry Apple Moscow Mules (made with sparkling apple juice, cranberry juice, vodka, and gingerale). We had to settle for gingerale because all the stores in Midtown were closed, except for Walgreens and gas stations. Sadly, those places don't carry ginger beer. But the cocktails were still delicious!

Hope y'all had a delicious Thanksgiving!!


  1. Everything looks wonderful! I just finished posting my Thanksgiving Plate, too! I was pretty proud of my dishes this year! Kudos on all of the running! I'm not a runner but I should get my rear moving again, soon! I'm trying to get back into Yoga! I tend to go in spurts!

  2. Happy Thanksliving! Everything looks delicious as usual! I always love seeing all the dishes your mom makes! I agree about tofurky, it's a fave of mine.

  3. I had to laugh about the ginger beer at gas stations! We had to travel to hubby’s family for Thanksgiving. On the drive home we stopped at a gas station that actually had it! Hubby loves it so he pointed it out to me. I never would have notice. All the food looks yummy. Definitely cold here in Arkansas!

  4. Wow, you think Tofurky is the best plant turkey out there? I need to try it! Can you believe I've never had it? I've heard such mixed reviews over the years that I've always chosen other things instead. Maybe I'll see it on sale now that Thanksgiving is over. It looks like you had a deliciously indulgent Thanksgiving!

  5. I can't believe you went running in 30 degrees without gloves!! What a great way to start thanksgiving, and how awesome that Paul came too!
    Your mom totally wins Best Mom of The Year for making vegan and nonvegan dishes for your celebration- and taking home leftovers is even better! Tofurkey is such a classic, non-vegans love to make fun of it but that *ish is delicious! I slice and wrap the slices really well and then freeze for later meals since they're pretty big.
    Great save for the moscow mules, what a great seasonal version!


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