
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Little Kernel

Mini popcorn is all the rage these days! If you're not familiar, it's exactly what it sounds like — tiny kernels of popcorn. They're about half the size of regular kernels, and that means they're extra tender with a smaller hull. Not only are the mini kernels a bit easier to eat, you're also less likely to get those big hulls stuck in your teeth.

The Little Kernel sent me a bag of their Pink Himalayan Salt mini popcorn to review!

Now I'm a bit of a popcorn freak, y'all. Popcorn is the one food that I have no self-control around. If you give me a bag of popcorn, I won't stop eating until every last kernel is gone. But this stuff is so good, so I've been rationing it out by taking small Tupperware bowls full of it to work with me each day.

Love this stuff! The teensy kernels are super soft, so they're easy on my delicate teeth. I just had an awful root canal, and I still haven't gotten the crown put on, so I have to be careful with my temp filling.

The pink salt flavor is light, not overpowering. Just lightly salted so you don't feel all bloated and weird after you eat a bowl. I tend to over-salt my homemade popcorn, and while it tastes delicious, I always feel gross after I eat all that salt.

The Little Kernel makes several other flavors — a White Cheddar (with non-dairy cheddar flavor!!!), Naked (no salt), Butter (with non-dairy butter!!!), and Sweet & Salty (with brown sugar and sea salt). I love that they use non-dairy flavoring, so the vegans can enjoy everything too! Plus, it's non-gmo and totally gluten-free.


  1. I must be out of the loop, I haven't heard of mini popcorn! It sounds great! That is really great that they use non dairy flavorings!! I'll have to keep my eye out.

  2. I haven't heard of mini popcorn either but I LOVE popcorn too! It's one of my favorite snacks and luckily you can eat a really satisfying portion of it without taking in a huge amount of calories. This looks really good, I'll have to see if I can track it down! No hulls in your teeth is a great bonus!

  3. Lucky! They contacted me a long time ago and offered to send me a few bags to review- and then just never did!

    Also, interesting factoid- this was the product Jacqueline and Chris launched last season on Real Housewives of NJ :)

  4. I've never heard of this popcorn brand, but I'm willing to try it out, especially non-dairy cheddar!

  5. wow, this popcorn look so delicious
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