
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Snow Monkey Superfood Ice Treat!

I've long been a fan of homemade banana soft serve. You just throw a frozen banana in the food processor with a teensy splash of almond milk, and bam — you've got yourself a creamy, dreamy — and HEALTHY — frozen dessert. It's super-simple to make, and you can customize it with all manner of things from protein powder to additional fruits to nut butters.

But as easy as that is, some days, you really don't need to be bothered with dirtying up any dishes. You need ice cream, stat. But you're in the mood for something that not only satisfies but nourishes. Enter Snow Monkey Superfood Ice Treat.

This is basically banana soft serve in ready-to-eat form, but it's also got all kinds of other goodness packed in. The Cacao has bananas, apple puree, hemp protein powder, cocoa powder, and sunflower butter, among other good things. And the Goji Berry has a similar banana-hemp-apple-sunflower base with goji berry powder, blueberry, and blackberry juice (also minus the cocoa). Their tagline is "If Mother Nature didn't make it, we didn't use it." Love it!

It's also nut-free, gluten-free, and paleo-friendly (if that's your thing). Each 1/2-cup serving has only 99 calories and 5 grams of protein, so you can basically eat the entire pint for 400 calories and 20 grams of protein. This stuff would actually make a great post-run, post-workout recovery meal!

I enjoyed mine as snacks though! The Cacao Snow Monkey made an excellent late-night snack on Friday night topped with cacao nibs and some PB2. I mixed the PB2 powder with more water than usual to make more of a peanut sauce rather than a paste.

And then, just yesterday, I had two scoops of the Goji Berry Snow Monkey with banana, strawberries, and hemp seeds as a pre-yoga snack. This kept me satisfied well through after-work yoga until I could get back home and prepare a full dinner. Probably because those two scoops had 10 grams of plant-based protein!

Love this stuff! Snow Monkey sent me these samples to review, but I'm hoping I can find this for sale locally eventually. You can purchase it on the Snow Monkey website, but it's only available in six-packs, which I guess makes sense considering that it might not be worth all the cold ship packaging to ship just one pint. It's great stuff though! Highly recommended!


  1. I need to make more banana soft serve now that you mention it.
    This looks pretty dang tasty though. It's nice to have guilt free ice cream every now and then!

  2. Oooh yum, that looks amazing! I love the toppings you added also. The pb sauce on the cacao looks so amazing!

  3. I saw another banana ice cream at the supermarket. I should see what is in it. These look MUCH tastier though.

  4. WOW!!!!! LOOKS amazing and I hate bananas! I know - crazy, right? I can't stand them! But this sounds like something I could get on board with! hahahahahaha!

  5. If you could only pick one of the flavors, which would you choose? They both sound awesome, haha.


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