
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Quinoa Puffs!

Do y'all remember that "Afro Puffs" song by Lady of Rage from 1994? She was all "I rock rough and stuff and with my afro puffs," and Snoop Dogg would chime in with "Rock on with your bad self." Well, my best friend Sheridan and I loved that song, except we thought the lyric was "I get rough and tough with my afro puffs." I didn't realize what she was actually saying until a few minutes ago when I googled the lyrics to be sure.

So I've had the wrong lyric in my head for years. And when Bake and Destroy blogger bud/I Heart Keenwah marketing whiz Natalie Slater shipped me some samples of I Heart Keenwah Chocolate Puffs, that song got stuck in my head again. Only now it's "I get rough and tough with my quinoa puffs!" And of course, Snoop is still there — in my head — telling me to rock on with my quinoa-loving self.

Have y'all tried these yet? OMG! They're like a healthy vegan version of malted milk balls. The outsides are coated in this thick, dark chocolate that's accented with Himalayan pink salt.

And the insides are all light and airy and crunchy. I have no idea how they get those teensy quinoa grains to poof up into a giant, crunchy ball. Magic? Probably. But whoever discovered this is a genius.

They also make some Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter ones that I MUST get my grubby little hands on. There are savory ones too — Sea Salt Truffle, Sweet Chili, and Herbs de Provence.

These chocolate puffs are perfect snacks on their own. But they're also great for adding into a popcorn snack mix! Last weekend, when Susan and I went to see Get Out in the theater, I snuck in some homemade, oil-popped popcorn mixed with I Heart Keenwah Chocolate Puffs, Go Max Go Snap! crisped rice chocolate squares, Swedish Fish, and Sour Patch Kids. YUM!

Alright, I'm gonna go post up in my PJs in bed and stuff my face with chocolate puffs! See ya!


  1. Vegan AND gluten-free type of malted milk ball snacks?!?!?! I. MUST. FIND. THEM. or order online ;) Thank you for the great review, as always!

  2. I've seen the savory versions, but I've never seen the chocolate covered version! I used to love malted milk balls, I must find these!!

  3. I loved Get Out! I hope Jordan Peele keeps contributing to the horror genre!

  4. Whhhhoa, can we talk about your candy popcorn?? We always put M&Ms in our popcorn (now Little Secrets!), but you've got a whole thing going on in there!. It never occurred to me to add other candies, and now I feel like I've been slacking pretty majorly.

  5. I'm so glad you liked them enough to write us a little song, ha ha!

  6. Ooooh I need these! Where do we get them?! Your popcorn snack looks pretty much like the best thing ever.

  7. Well....YUM!!!!!! WOWZA those look good!


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